Friday, December 16, 2016


     What are we doing and what are we allowing to be done. This president elect is certainly not qualified to become president of the United States, a leader of the free world, a representative of what we should stand for. But if this happens, we shall stand for lies, stupidity, nastiness and danger. Every time I think that he has reached the peak of his garbage, he amazes me as he tops himself, even as he sinks further into the filth that he has created, into the morass of his own doing. For instead of draining a swamp, he has inserted himself and his family into one, one that grown ever larger and gives off more poisonous fumes every day - no, every hour!
     If the Electoral College - which should be eliminated anyway as an antiquated idea - truly did its job according to the words of its empowerment by our founders, it would not vote for Trump for it states that these votes must be given to a qualified candidate and G-d above knows that this man is for sure not that!! At times, in fact, most of the time, I wonder if this man even knows the meaning of truth and I suspect that his children have the same low morals or lack thereof as they seem not to understand the idea of separation of government and private business for the President and the reasoning behind it. They seem not to have learned that one must leave the at times crass dealings of the business world behind, not sell their soul for money, their access for money, their honor for money!
     Weeks before inauguration this man is still in his high school years, tweeting away with lies and threats and implied revenge. One can just see him sitting deep into the night or early morning hours, writing mean stuff about his supposed enemies and they range from a college coed who dared to ask a question to a magazine editor who gave a restaurant of his a bad review - and this man is expected to separate from his business - to anyone who criticizes anything that he says or does or owns or whatever!!! Hey, I am up early so again, Mr. Trump, call me and we can have a nice chat - that is if you can string words enough to create a sentence and without using the words terrific or fantastic or using repetition as a constant in your typing or speaking. It is bigly annoying!!
     So, latest lies? Here goes. That the information about the Russian hacking was not released until after the election. Wrong, wrong yet again. By October there had been information made clear to the public and what was not done was publically accuse or put the blame where it belonged - on the Trump campaign and G-d help us if it belonged to Trump too!! So twice this week Trump lied about this. Shocking, huh! Not really, for the truth barely ever leaves his lips.
 And the poor editor of Vanity Fair for here is what Trump states about him - "...big trouble, dead! Graydon Carter, no talent, will be out!"
     And the sleazy practices continue as the princes and the princess sell access to them to the highest bidder, ostensibly for charity but who knows where the charity dollars go and it is still sleazy and suspect, especially when these dudes are so engaged in the transition government and in proposed future dealings and these bids come from business people!! Separation anyone? Items to sell - yes but access - no. Emphatically so!!
     And the news keeps a comin'. The Russians hacked the email server of the Pentagon. Whew!! The Russians hacked numerous servers and systems dealing with the election and voting and the people involved and here we have a man who praises Putin, who anticipates such a friendly relationship, whose proposed Secretary of State has even received an award from Putin, who has great dealings with them and has fought for them - over the interests of his own native country!!
     And the care and  concern for the private citizens of the country. Wow, I am so underwhelmed!! People are beginning to wake up that rescinding, destroying the ACA or Obamacare will leave millions without medical coverage and care, once more people will be left to rot with their syndromes and diseases. Diabetics will fall ill and die, needed medicines for many diseases will not be attainable and the list of problems and truths go on. So in a fit of uh oh, now Ryan and company are promising "access" for all, that coverage will be available to be bought. Really? Who will be able to afford it? Who says the insurance companies will go along with this as the system must be balanced with healthy people buying so as to cover the  costs of the truly ill, emergencies and chronic. They are pulling out, threatening to pull out even more if the ACA is disemboweled and then go look for insurance! Ha! It will be the same thing of charity and emergency room visits, costly visits, wasteful visits and poor medical care and coverage for a huge swath of the population of the country. Thank you, Ryan. Thank you Trump, thank you all you crocodiles.
     Again, I ask, what are we doing? What will we do should there be no out at the present? Will we have to wait till the lies of this man rise to the "have had it" level and he is impeached or shall we wait until he and his family sink under the weight of the suits against him and have the world gape at the spectacle of the president sitting in court in the defendant's seat! Awful!!
     Unqualified is exactly that. Again, there has to be a way to disallow a minority winner whose morals and future are viewed as contemptible and poor by most of the nation and every day brings more and more doubt and worry Go sit in a doctor's office or at any gathering. Talk to someone in line with you and just hear the worry, the contempt, the fear, the frightened fear. This man's presidency is something to be worried about for sure and will demand great care and watchfulness. The ACLU says they will be watching and so will millions of others. There will be millions watching and acting to make sure that rights do not go backwards, that we do not retreat into the Middle Ages.
    Join with those millions whatever party you belong to. Join the party of the Americans who respect rights, the rights of all. Get behind the one you are most worried about and make your thoughts known. March, speak up and speak out, call, write, and hey, twitter! 2 AM is a good time to do just that!

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