Sunday, December 18, 2016


     Last nite after the show when talking of Trump's apparent inability to spell and no, I have never heard any reason for it such as dyslexia or any other learning disability other than the fact that our esteemed president to be is a dunce! We have seen that more often than we care to acknowledge and yet, there it is. Anyway, I was told that it is time to "let it go". Nope, I think not and evidently so do millions of others both here and around the world.
      So an action which he wanted to state that it was unprecedented became the above. Words just flow out of his mouth - as long as they are fantastic or terrific or bigly and can be repeated time and time again for we all know how difficult he finds it to string together enough words for a complete and intelligent sentence and thus Twitter is the only way he has found to communicate.
     But why not let it go? Why not accept the fate of us all and accept this man as the true nominee and winner, the next president? Because, probably, I am so hoping that some miracle will occur and he will not. And while I truly have come to believe more and more that in a righteous election, without the planned interference by Putin, by a fan of Putin from England who pumped out anti Hillary emails with that "fake news" and outright hoaxes, without Comey's doings, that in a true election, Hillary would have won - hands down, in every which way. Indeed, she has won the popular vote by almost three million voters. A mandate indeed! 
     Another term arises or comes to mind when discussing this whole incident and no, it is not mine but one I rather borrow from some intelligent writers.  One such term is "useful idiot". Interesting, yes? It is one who allows himself/herself to be deluded, to be ignorant, either naturally or purposely, and to be used by others in a poor manner for a wrongful result. Hello out there!! Has that not been the case here and is it not the still ongoing case as people who realize what they have done are counselling to let it go, wait out the four years - if we even have that!
     The Electors have a ballsy decision to make. I know what they should do, in fact, what the original wording states they should do - elect a qualified candidate for the office. Hello again! That certainly leaves someone out, does it not?
     Unprecedented is what we have when the electee is incapable, intellectually deficient and it is going to be left to his daughter and son in law to run the government while he just shouts  away and gives away the store - the American store.  Our country.
     Unprecedented is the fact that this is not, was not, a true election and for the first time in  history  it was hacked by an enemy country, aided and abetted by one of the candidates, knowingly or unknowingly and  I know where I land on that choice, so that we are now for all intents and purposes a subsidiary of Russia, caught in the orbit around Putin, a true  demagogue, admired greatly by Trump.
     Unprecedented is the rate at which protest grows. Notes on subway walls that are now being collected as a historical moment, thousands upon thousands of emails, letters, calls, etc. to Electors to do something, anything, but get that man away from the helm.
     Unprecedented is the rate at which celebrities turn away from him, he who brags of his own celebrity status. It is unprecedented as we see how many protests are sent to a world class singer, begging him to not sing at the Trump inauguration events.
     Unprecedented is the fact that we will have a president who thinks that the country is here for the singular purpose of furthering his business profits and since he could not do so well on his own and needed his dad to help him and now his children, well perhaps he could shine here, huh? Never mind ethics for the man has none. I have called him amoral and yesterday so did a columnist.
     So Charles Blow tells us to "stiffen our spine" and Loretta Lynch tells us, tells students that "You all are the ones who have the courage to walk with us. Without people who are willing to stand up and say that they have an issue or problem or something ...we would not be able to move these issues forward." And so in unprecedented figures, we, the ancient activists, who thought we had achieved and reached our goals, that we had found a way to insure that rights were a given, we, who had looked forward to retirement and a job well done, we now have to come back and join with the young, with the disillusioned voters, with the "regreters", and see that right is done, that rights remain, and that we are watching! Oh yes we are.
     No, we cannot just let it go. Not for the sake of the future and not for our own sakes.  Now we have  a new appointee for the manager of the budget, the same dude who voted to let the country come to a grinding halt, the same man who belonged to the so badly misnamed "Freedom Caucus", and he will join the government that now has a practically complete roster of appointees who will manage the destruction and takedown of their very departments and responsibilities and then why there we will be with no government other than the Trump royalty! Not for me!!! I will not let it go for if I do, if we do, we have resigned our rights, resigned our historical rights as Americans and helped destroy the American dream.
     And if you think that it is any different here, in the Village, it is not. So many have stated in so many words that the only way to get David Israel out of office is to let nature takes its course. Well, I beg to differ. We cannot, must not, allow this situation to continue. We are approaching the financial collapse of our Village, the fees are becoming more than many can handle and we are out pricing ourselves in fees for what we represent ourselves to be. We are not a luxury development, not in any way and while we have some wonderful amenities, we also have a weak and corrupted UCO in many ways, a UCO that does not stand up for the rights of the residents and instead serves the needs of Levy. We eat millions of dollars in repairs, wrongfully so, and he just sits and grins his troll like grin. We are being pushed into another potential fiasco what with this broadband and Atlantic Broadcasting. Just who the hell are they and I could care less about the future, etc, that we are being drowned in unless and until things and rules are changed. Internet is NOT a utility and hey, this new administration to be has been stating that time and again! All UCO is entitled to do is bargain for cable . Period. Those who wish, already have what we need and want with some associations wired up individually, other people paying for what they want as their building does not want the other way and quite frankly I am happy with Comcast and by the way did you know that this new company wants to swap HBO for EPIX. Yup! EPIX which shows old movies, lots of golf and no Game of Thrones!!! and other shows you like. Hey, they would save money on that deal and screw us! But David Israel wants this. Ed Black wants this. Lanny Howe wants this so who are we to gainsay this? We are the residents and we have voted this down before, voted down the increase that would come along with this on top of the $15 to $25 increase that many associations are now facing, to the detriment and dismay of their owners, but hey, David wants what he wants and WPRF refuses to pay for what they should and here we are. Let it go? Oh no, that is for Elsa to sing as she announces her independence and we announce ours, here and in the country with the statement that we will not let it go!
     Big job, but as a character in a book said, "You eat the elephant one bite at a time." Sun
Tzu, an ancient war strategist whose words are still valued today, said, " The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy, so that he cannot fathom our real intent." Yet here I differ with him for we must let them know, here and nationally, that we have our goals and we will go for them, not forsake them. We will not let go of our responsibility to ourselves, to others and to our historical integrity. We will remain what we are supposed to be, what people have shed blood for and here in the Village, we will remain what we are supposed to be, a well run middle class development with a heart and with a brain which knows how to value and how to choose.
     Ezra Taft Benson said "Some of the greatest battles will be fought within the silent chambers of your own soul." Well said. Look into those chambers, look into your soul and think of those  at risk for the future, your own kids and grandkids and the millions of people in this country and around the world. Here in the Village it is so small compared to the larger responsibility but it is all part and parcel of the same issue. Right is right, wherever and whenever. Hey, go see Rogue One and hear the words of truth from them - there must be hope, there must be aspirations, carefully chosen and fought for. May the force be with all of us!!!

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