Thursday, January 26, 2017


     I woke up screaming, shouting "no, no, no!" and found that waking up was the worst part of the nightmare for it was real, a living nightmare with no path to escape.
     The man is crazy, certifiably so and basically, so are those who follow him down his path - that, or are just as evil as he is and choose to remain so.
     So now we are to have government by Executive Order, with the real time image of a weird smirk on a weird looking dude with a mop of orange hair - cannot be real - signing away with a frantic pen and muttering to himself the whole time, channeling the witch and the wizard.
     Okay, so time to make plans. Let's go north - but uh oh, looks like Canada is building a wall and sending us the bill! So let's go south, before the wall is built but guess what? Mexico says no more Americans allowed in. East, that's it. East. Splash! That was the Atlantic. So....West, young man, west - but oops, splash again - the Pacific. Where to go, where to go? Back south again and take a boat to Cuba!! Got it!!
     Feeling paranoid, like people are watching but what can one expect when the Chief Executive states in a manic tone and interview that his speech was great, that people just loved it, that the CIA audience gave him a standing ovation, they loved it, they just loved it and ranted on and on. And forget about opposing him for it seems that all the big dudes of America have grown chicken feathers and have other parts of their anatomy shrink in direct proportion as they wither under this crazy man's threats. After all, he wants to open the black site prisons again and waterboard once more. Torture is now in fashion again!!
     So who is left to protest or are we now in the same situation as the Pastor in Nazi Germany where no one was left. Well, the millions of people last Saturday show that we have the women, so many women and we have the right thinking people  who support them and are protesting the policies of that maniac who should be deposed, I believe, according to the 25th Amendment - I could be wrong on which one it is.
     McCain says he will oppose Trump but has approved Tillerson so what is the point of blather and words if when push comes to shove they cave, like Rubio. Actions speak louder than words, especially in this situation.
     And in the government? Well, we have more people having the courage of their convictions and they are resigning, refusing to work with that man, refusing to go along and get along. Not for them the selling of their souls. Would that more people would think that way, but no, we have the likes of Rand Paul who says that he has the magic plan that will give people the healthcare they need. They will get  a $5,000 infusion into a health savings account. Wow! Really? Has he seen any medical bills lately? I have and that covers just about two pills and a bandaid and maybe half a night in a hospital bed! And just about forget it if you were unemployed and could not keep up your coverage and whoa! had an pre-existing condition. - just die already. Don't drag it out and make it hard on everyone.
     What about international standing? Well. Mexico is starting to fight back with its announced Mexico First attitude and they are right, 100%. And as Trump screws women all over again with his antediluvian banning of all funds nationally and internationally re abortion funding, thinking that will stop them! Wrong! Wrong! Sad!! It will only send them to back alley abortionists and death and pain and infection and once again highlights Trump's misogyny! So he can put his two fingers together all he wants but what he really needs to see are the fingers flipping at him!  The Netherlands has stepped up to the plate with funding to make up for this idiocy and G-d willing other countries will step up too. Hey, he is blocking all immigrants and now tiny Israel, surrounded by enemies, is taking in the children of these enemies, the Syrian orphans, into homes and schools, caring for them, allowing them a path to citizenship but we here, oh no, no more immigrants, no more American principles, no more Founding Fathers ideas. Just torture away, much better idea!
     So we have the environment being sold down the river. We have a 138K gallon spill in Idaho but what the hey, let the pipelines go on. Screw the Sioux and all Americans. No more federal regulations to help the workers. Let the Fat Cats reign! No more oversight of governmental officials for they are much too busy supervising their own fortunes to pay attention to the needs of the people or pay taxes or reveal any personal information, nope, too busy. And now gay sex is being likened to bestiality and incest, child pornography and the list goes on and in North Carolina, if one is a lesbian, well, lesbianism is listed as one of your medical conditions, supposedly for your own good!! And one of the possible nominees for the Supreme Court goes right along with these statements and feelings and attitudes. G-d help us if we do not do something to stop this.
    Instead we will now have the era of Mad Donald, the consummate liar and here are words that express it far better than I do.
"Donald Trump is a proven liar. He lies often and effortlessly. He lies about the profound and the trivial. He lies to avoid guilt and invite glory. He lies when his pride is injured and when his pomposity is challenged.
Indeed, one of the greatest threats Trump poses is that he corrupts and corrodes the absoluteness of truth, facts and science."
     As has been said before, a lie by any other name is a lie. Period. The naked emperor again and again. Till when will we allow this to continue. Those people in D.C. had it right yesterday when they hung that banner off the crane - brave souls - RESIST!! Write and call your representatives again and again. Make it known that we will not stand for this. The man is certifiably insane and needs to be removed from office for cause.
     Will I, will we, ever be able to sleep again? Will we ever be able to face our waking hours again with confidence in the American dream and character? The doubt is creeping in.


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