Friday, January 27, 2017


     I had to stop and breathe last nite as I read something my daughter sent to me via messenger, a posting on Facebook which discussed the use of the 25th Amendment in deposing a sitting president. Wow! So others have been thinking about this too. Makes me feel a bit better to know that better brains than I have thought on this topic, have reached the same conclusions I have, that this man is unfit to be in office and needs to go.
     However, it is not so simple. You see, narcissism or sociopathy or erratic behavior or bipolar or simple plain nuttiness is not the way to proceed. It needs to follow steps outlined in the law. Not an easy thing to do what with his party members running scared of the big hulking bully and his threats. They worry over losing their jobs but what about losing our country and all it stands for, all it has meant all these years since its founding? Where does that all count? But what we have instead are grown men giggling nervously, making excuses or so help me G-d, calling Trump the Moses who is going to lead us into the Promised Land!! I kid you not. Would that be the land of a nuclear scarred landscape as the bipolar "leader' could not shut his mouth or control his fingers tweeting away or his stupid mouth that gets shouted out every 60 seconds?!
     Now we have the first major crisis that we have driven into, steered by his erraticism. We have insulted a major ally, a major trade partner, a nation which has close ties to many of our citizens and hard workers and a nation and trade partner that has great influence on our job market. Now his pride, his moronic and overblown pride has caused great dissension there and even amongst nations of the world what with his other behaviorisms.
       A border wall. Paid for by whom? "Fortress America". Are you all seeing this? Do we understand what this all portends? Never mind that Corona beer will now cost more, what we have here is a script for a disaster, one that has already begun. So first a 20% import tax and then, no, it has to wait, too busy signing other Executive Orders. And let's just keep pumping out outrageous statements like threats to sanctuary cities which cannot possibly  live in reality, especially when cities and towns who tried restrictive laws targeting immigrants found themselves on the losing end of this all and left with a huge bill.
     How do we deal with a man who speaks in terms of a world mess and American carnage in every area he can possibly apply that word to. How to deal with a man who makes no sense, who demands utter and complete obedience. Does he think he is the divinely appointed ruler of America? Actually, within his sick mind I believe he truly does believe that and does not even stop to think when he speaks, just opens and blasts off, certain he is telling us of divine wishes and demands.
     And how many more governmental departments is he going to muzzle, shut down, demand utter and complete obedience? For how long will we have to listen to his minions tell the media to shut their mouths! Really? Is that not their job and since the case of Peter Zenger way back in colonial times, freedom of the press, freedom to criticize governmental officials has been on the books, legal, allowable and even treasured. Where does this dude come off trying to cancel it all. This Fortress America is not to the liking of most people and even his backers are beginning to be uncertain and remember -tyranny is the opposite of a guarantee of long life in a government. Ask the people who died during many "nights of the long knives" under various demagogues, many of whom Trump admires.
     Folks, this guy has got to go. Either investigate and find his misdeeds as would be exposed in his tax returns, or prosecute for conflict of interests as he is now in full flagrant observation as soon as he accepted the first dollar for a room in his hotel from China, or for any other misdeed and simply for the fact that he is 25th Amendment incapable of carrying out the responsibilities and charges of his office.
     If we intend to keep our country, if we intend to keep the world intact, if we intend to keep our lives on a sane and balanced plane - if we hope for all that - impeachment or deposing and removal from office for cause. But as Henry II wondered whether someone would rid him of his trouble in the form of Thomas a Becket, we can wonder here who has the courage to stand up to Trump, remove him via legal means, who needs to realize that his job will not be secure as the voters will show in the next election.
     The situation is not funny any longer. Yes, one can laugh at Trump and his mannerisms. Lindsay Graham can poke fun of this Mexican mess by saying "Mucho sad". But in reality, it is far worse than that and quickly reaching the point of no return. Rather than laughing now, there is a feeling of horror. One more point. Last nite I received a phone call from a woman whom I have never met or even heard of until my phone rang. For some reason I answered even though I usually do not answer an unfamiliar name. This is a person who lives near us, not in the Village, who states that she is a senior citizen and she "just cannot stand it any more and has to do something!" She found my name in a Palm Beach Post article, looked me up and hence the call. I assured her we will be doing "something" and will include her in but is that what we are up to now in this country? Are we now up to suborning our senior citizens? Are we at that point where we have to reactivate the past generation of activists, we who fought the war, who fought for women's rights, who still fight the battles and the war?
     Where are we going and in fact, where are we at now? Someone? Anyone? Words of wisdom and advice and please do not tell me we have got give him a chance. For what? To do what? Enough! Wrong!! Oh, and oops, do not forget those voter fraud intimations, turns out that the only people uncovered so far as to being double registered are.....Bannon, Mnuchin, Tiffany Trump and Jared Kushner. Uh huh!! Sad, so very sad for us all.



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