Tuesday, February 14, 2017


     I would like to hear the excuses now of the rabid Trumpers who castigated Hillary for carelessness. Now look what Trump has done. He handled, or tried to, the Korean missile launching in an open air dining room at Mar a Lago with 100 people, including plain old guests, looking on. He did it thru cellphones - yup, plain old cellphones which can be used like "portable television satellite trucks" when they are compromised. He has left out keys for secure and secret information right out there on the desk in his office when others are present. He has aides who discuss whatever they want  with whomever they want. His leaks are worse than a three hundred year old shack!
    Here is what Paul Ryan said of Hillary - The consequences for the safety of our nation are grave. Clinton’s actions may have allowed our enemies to access intelligence vital to our national security. The FBI found that hostile actors could very well have gained access to classified information sent and received by Clinton, her staff and their contacts.
    Well, hello!! Tit for tat my Republican friends and time to realize and admit that your Trump is a major problem and danger even to our country. Just substitute his name for Clinton and see what you have. Grow spines all of you and stop selling your souls down the river. I can just hear the giggling of the Devil as he says to his minions, "We gotta make room for so many souls. Those Republicans have gone wholesale!Let's get to it."
     What the Republicans also seem to have is a lot of 'should have thought about that before' moments. Each and every one of their nominees and now confirmed appointees has an oops moment or two or three, etc. in their lives. Along with a turncoat Joe Manchin of West Virginia the Senate has confirmed every wrong choice, voting not by soul, not by heart, not by what is right but by their Party line. Bad news for the people of the country and very careless in the long run as we can see by the resignation of Michael Flynn and all the fuss it caused and the questionable ties between Trump and the Russians still hang around, waiting to be investigated. What is more, is that some of those reports have now been confirmed and more are awaiting so who knows what will be found to be true. And all of the ranting cries about "fake news" will not do the trick. What is worse is that there seemingly is no learning curve here as one of the replacement possibilities is Petraeus , the very same man who could not keep his pillow talk under control! Uh huh!
     This new government gets worse by the day, by the hour, by the tweet. There is paranoia, competition rather than teamwork, there are leaks and fear, and this has just about been the worst rollout of a new governmental administration that can be recalled and there appears to be no end in sight. So much for the concerns of the people of the country, of the need to know that there is a stable hand at the helm of the ship of state. 
    So what does this man do besides compromising national security by exposing secrets in public and what does this ostensible leader do in spare time? Why he puts his grown daughter in his seat at a meeting with Trudeau - literally in his seat. He just about destroys the visitors he has as we can see him yank, yes YANK the hands of his state visitors. Abe of Japan even makes an ow! face, Gorsuch is yanked off his feet practically and as for the others, just follow the handshake yank. This man is so crass and so unpolished and so harmful and hurtful towards his country that it is beyond belief. And yet, there he is. Oy!
     This upheaval is both standard and harmful. The carelessness is hurtful to us all. It is even inducing the sense of dear Lord, what is next. One example of the carelessness is the misspellings that abound within their communications and yet another is the attribution of a quotation to Lincoln when he never said it. Yup, cannot even get that right! Trump took it off the RNC site and then the RNC deleted it. Can you imagine the redos necessary to run this joint!! Help!!
       “The incompetence, the sloppiness and the leaking is unprecedented.” So speaks one expert and so much for what we have as a government.
 Careless is as careless does - yes and sloppiness is never acceptable as such a level. And yet, there it is again. Yesterday, Paul Krugman warned us all with his closing statement  -"Be afraid. Be very afraid." You see, it is one thing to laugh at these idiots, at the fun and the ridicule that is headed their way, but it is another to shudder and think that this is only going to get worse and worst of all is the fact that who knows, we not only have ethically challenged and incompetents at the head but perhaps we also have a president who is allegedly a traitor - either that or a dupe. Neither choice is appetizing so yes, be afraid, very much so. Yikes! Head for the hills!

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