Monday, February 13, 2017


    There is an air of confusion enveloping us, not only this country, but the world as well. Two bit third world countries are feeling neglected and betrayed and are blowing off steam and hot air, leaving the world a heaving mass of uncertainty. Traditional powers are confused as well, not sure of this crazy dude in the Oval Office and exactly what he means, if he means anything at all.
     But, I believe, worse than that, is the confusion, the malaise, the melancholy, that is gripping the population, the people, of the world. Over this past weekend I have attended three wonderful performances by differing types of performers yet one thing was obvious throughout. They, too, are concerned. Statements of "especially in times like these" or "we certainly need these feelings today" or the very selection of songs - all pointed to confusion and even a fear that permeates it all.
Even the representative from the health service who came to my home spoke of confusion and 'how did we get here'. People are asking "what will happen to us, to the country?"
     What is even perhaps more significant or perhaps it is worse - who knows, in this crazy topsy - turvy world of ours where the inmates are actually running the joint - is the fact that even Trump's backers are turning away or expressing doubt. "He should shut his mouth or what is with the wall or the immigration crisis . All we want and why we voted for him are jobs." Well, sad to say, those jobs are not coming back and the sooner they realize it, the sooner retraining takes place, the better off they will be.
     But the saddest of all is watching the desperateness of those with a  modicum of intelligence who backed this man and are just as horrified by his doings and behaviorisms but who are falling back on "well, what is so bad?" or "so and so did this or that." The point is that it does not matter what so and so did in the past. It is what this man and his posse are doing  now - either nothing good or direct harm is what they are doing. It is time to open the eyes and see what they have wrought, indeed, what we all have wrought by neglecting to face facts and see what is truly going on.
     In a time of crises this Trump has time for watching a show that is taking the forefront of sarcastic commentary on his actions, He tweets away. He and his are under attack he feels and he cannot stand that. His reaction, to threaten to make it illegal to do such things. Perhaps the playing of the Nazi anthem in Hawaii was an omen from Above, warning us of what awaited us if we do not wake up and smell the coffee. In a time of multiple crises this man takes the time to rant about a man Mark Cuban whom I had never heard of, to stress that he is not qualified to run for president!!! Well, look in the mirror, honey, look in the mirror. And most unbelievingly of all, this Trump, this off balance mentally and emotionally challenged farce of a being is planning on running for office in 2020 and already, three weeks into his reign, planning that campaign! Will we even be here in 2020 should this guy remain in office, G-d forbid a thousand times!!
     So we grope for a way out. And in the path we discover that this man and  his Education Secretary cannot spell and obviously never heard of proofing things. His official poster misspells too as to. His Education Department under the incompetent and dangerously lacking stewardship of DeVos, misspelled W.E.B. Dubois's name in an official tweet. Help!! Help!! Where are the adults in the room? Where are people with working brains? Help!! Help!!
     And so stores continue to drop Trump products and I wonder, since he took this job to provide more jobs for his buddies and family and to make money, if his products have a turndown, will he quit? Oh, say yes, say yes, please!
     And in the meanwhile, we need to turn to the young amongst us to lead the way? A coed CYO basketball team in New Jersey had the ethical chops to forfeit the season when they were told they would have to throw off the two girls amongst the boys. They voted after the parents made sure they understood the consequences of the vote. They stood firm and their parents cried in pride. As well they should! And the adults everywhere else, as our teens and middle schoolers take to the streets in protest - where the hell are you? And where will you be when the ****hits the proverbial fan in a big time such as we have not seen? Where will you all be?
     Sad to say, most adults will be nowhere but in hiding, either ashamed of their part in this mess or in fear of this man and his crew, but  hope, hope, that there will be enough people to stand up, follow the leaders in this and get this man gone - the sooner the better and let him take all his crooked, ethically challenged, morally challenged, incompetent people with them. Let us all  hope we still have it within us to stand up to proposed tyranny and injustice. That we still know what the true America stands for and we battle for it, yes, even battle if needs be so.
     And that must filter down to the local spheres as well. Here in the Village we have had a tyranny imposed on us by omission and commission. We have turned away in apathy, asking "Well, what can we do? We need to wait till he is dead?" Well, I think not. We need to turn his world upside down as well, deny him his yes men on the Board, demand of him answers and demand and demand and demand and make life extremely uncomfortable for him and his. We need to elect people into office who will ask the right questions, but not only that. We need people who will insist on honesty, on honor, on transparency, on truth, truth, truth, on efficiency, on putting  the residents first, on putting aside petty differences and getting together for the sake of our homes - at least letting us have a place of safety within the churning world out there. We need to see past his evil and cynical tactic of labelling his opponents, denigrating them with a name he feels says it all. So behind the times is he that he fails to realize that there is a huge percentage of this Village that cannot stand him and his practices, but the system is so heavily slanted towards him and his tactics especially as he rips thru by laws and legalities as if they were nothing - Trump, anyone? - that it is difficult to get a word in edgewise as media of all types are blocked.
     Malcontents. Messenger Club. Enough already, David. Grow up and face your opponents as you should if only you had the equipment to do so. I, and many others, do not belong to any group, other than the Democratic Club which I recently joined and to the March for Women and to the rolls of decent people, and where do you belong? You speak of your NSA work, you speak of your patriotism G-d help us all, so where is it now? Are you with Flynn and other treasonous people or with the good people and that includes the people of the Village. Do you stand by the rules and principles of the Constitution, like freedom of speech and press or do you wish to keep violating them, trampling them into the dust?
     The time has come for all of us to chose sides - here and outside the Village as well. The time has come for all of us to grope thru the dark and into the light. Where will all of you be in this choice? Will we all face the truth or will we wimp out? That mirror is awaiting. Go look.

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