Friday, February 17, 2017


     You know the saying - "If it ain't broke don't fix it" but the sad truth is that it is "broke" and very much so. Take our health care system. First of all, I must say that I am ever so grateful for Medicare and for the health coverage we were able to access all our working lives through our jobs but.....the system is undergoing major throes of agony and it must be addressed, not by cancelling everything out, but by examination and fixing, piece by piece. Obamacare allowed many people otherwise without health care to have it and that obviously perturbed some nasty people, but too bad, we still have a care here for poorer residents who cannot afford coverage for various reasons.
     The hospitals seem to work out okay, except if you are in there and find that before you are in, they are already pushing you out and never mind that one cannot walk or needs equipment to live life on a very basic level. So some very good people tried to work the system but never mind, I am here and thank the Lord above I am able to pay for some  extra help so I can do the basic building blocks of life!!
     But what am I to do for the next four months - I dunno, perhaps someone knows. I am also very confused. Medicare in NY provides four hours a day for help when required for life skills or actions but in Florida I am told that nope, no deal. What the hell!!! I know the USPS thinks Florida is a foreign country for mail delivery but does Medicare also think that?
     I will manage. Gerry and I will manage and we have some very good friends, so we will manage, but the system is broke!!But Trump's tear it all down approach will not work either, unless one looks at it as a system that will save money for so many people will die that the budget will drop. Good planning, Donald! Or is that fake news too?
     And what about the rest of the systems here in the country? Well, we have a government, actually several governmental entities, who are going broke as the Trump family has decided to solve its business issues of travel on the backs of the American public. Eric going on  a business trip? Never you mind, Secret Service will be there. Ivanka going somewhere, well there go the bills again for the public. Trump decides to visit all his properties that he has refused to turn over - why, never you mind, Bedminster, NJ, West Palm Beach, Fl - we will just take the money from the budget lines for other items, that's all. The system is broke!!!
     And the major broken issue is the government itself. Let us start small, right here in CV. So there is to be an election. David Israel is running scared. He thought he had the Executive Board sewn up tight but found out otherwise, so suddenly there were going to be blog postings - on HIS blog. So.....Olga Wolkenstein gets cut off in her posting with one sentence allowed. Bob Marshall gets his prepared speech and rambles on about surviving the hurricanes of 2004- 2005. Well, guess what? So did we all. The hurricanes were bad but not life threatening here and for a change, the system worked slowly and needed to be tweaked for the future but people survived. Sorry, Bob, off in la-la land again - and not  with the singing and dancing of the movie either!!Also, Bob and David, the puppetmaster, how could Bob have been president of UCO in 2005 if he just moved here according to his statements - president the first year he moved here? Simply put, the man is beyond help and beyond helping us at this point. I am sorry for his health needs but that is not to become a broken part of UCO and we pay the bill for that!!
     I was called for an appointment on Wednesday the 15th. Well, I had major surgery that day so Gerry asked if we could come in earlier or perhaps even later and was told NO! WE HAVE NO TIME!! Really? Such a friendly group! And what the hell was David doing there at the tapings. Was it to pat them on the head as they toed the party line- good girl, good boy or was it to intimidate and cut and censor? Methinks it was the latter so once again - the system is broke.
     Let us jump to another president - Trump and lordy, lordy, how I hate to put those two words together. This man rants and raves for almost an  hour and a half about fake news and Russia and attacks reporters for basically doing their jobs and  will he really plan to shut down all media as they speak out against him? Well, actually, I believe that is where he is headed and if one needs proof, then follow the major series of raids on immigrants with people being caught up, not for crimes and sometimes not even for being illegal! Nope, wrong time wrong place and off they go. The mere fact that there are people willing to do this, to follow these orders, gives me the creeps, YUGELY and BIGLY so!!
     Trump is an imbecile! There is no other word for it - well, actually, I lie, there are - nincompoop, mentally deranged, incompetent, paranoid, megalomaniac, narcissistic and we could go on, but the day is short and my leg needs to be elevated!
     So, folks, the system is majorly broke! It needs fixin" So what is to be done? First of all, take this guy to court and get him gone. He is totally incapable of carrying out his presidential duties and if the man who would follow, Pence, does the same what with his crazy ideas, then just clean houses and follow the line until there is a normal person at the helm. Get rid of this ridiculous electoral system. Install one man , one woman, one vote and hey, what a great idea for the Village!! Hmm. Have I not heard that it was tabled as per orders of David Israel. Well, told ya so!! The system is broke.
     For the sake of all who have gone before us and kept this country running and true to its principles, for the sake of all those who saw  where we went wrong and fixed it. For the sake of those to follow us and who deserve to live in a country of values and principles and not jackbooted raiders - let us fix this broken system. Today!! If we do not, I am afraid there will be fighting in the streets - not a lovely picture, but others are thinking the same thing. Fix the problem, you representatives of the people!! Fix the problem you cowardly Republicans who have sold your souls and who are intent only on forging ahead with more broken and breaking rules. Fix the problem!! Fix it!! NOW!!

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