Sunday, February 19, 2017


    It has been my privilege to meet a goodly number of people over this past week, in hospital, at home, and to a one there is a disapproval - to put it mildly - of Trump and a growing fear of fighting in the streets, of civil war, of a country that as Lincoln warned us - as a divided house cannot long remain as one country. There is indeed a palpable fear of what this man is doing and has planned for this country and I am very much afraid that we are quickly reaching a breaking point, a point of no return and then, and then....I hate to phrase it, for it then becomes a real fear.
     We have a man who looks terrible - take a look at that supposed rally at Melbourne, Fl. - take a look at an unguarded moment and the man looks terrible, tired, defeated and wondering what the hell he is doing there! That is indeed a question we are all asking and the supposed 9,0000 people there do not make a mote in the eye of the tens of thousands who have protested every week, every day since his assumption of the Presidency. This weekend alone is "Not My President Day" and there are rallies all over the country, big cities, small towns, all for the purpose of declaring that this insane men is not our rightful president, not by election, a tainted election, not by values, not by anything. And just because they trotted out Melania to recite a prayer does not mean a thing. I believe this woman has as much regard for him as do most of us - NOT!
     According to Trump, he is running a well oiled machinery of a government. Uh huh, like Nixon was not a crook nor a liar! We are warned by him in his very words, that he has plans to become a dictator, to upend the democracy of the United States. Be warned, we are told by Priebus. Take his statements about the press seriously. Well, I certainly do and even  McCain tells us that destroying the free press is the first step that dictators do yet even he wooses out as he refuses to state it in the very words needed - this is Trump's plan. Is there nobody left within this government that has a spine? Is there nobody within this government that remembers the statement of Lincoln wherein he stated that the Congresses of the country belong to the people, not to the representatives and there is a time when they will retake them if necessary. Is that time coming closer? You tell me.
     So this man who is incompetent at running a government turns to other areas and tries to keep a campaign going where the alt right, the anti Semites, the haters, the killers of society will stand and cheer. But they will find themselves running up against a nation of people who will push back, from the little old lady to Shia LaBeouf who reminds a hater who pushed him with anti Semitic remarks that he too is a Jew, of Jewish descent and this hatred has got to stop. Does Trump think he will shut up everyone and everything, from Streep to me? From the columnists of the Times to the weekly papers of small towns?
      What frightens me the most, what stinks the most, are the promises and the threats made on a daily basis - we will replace Obamacare, even as there are thousands upon thousands of Congressmen being pushed to the wall this weekend with questions and fear. He has been banned from enforcing his dictatorial and hate filled travel ban but there he comes again, for hatred never stops unless forcefully put to an end. New bans signed by Kelly. A draft of a proposal seen to mobilize National Guardsmen to enforce this ban. National Guard!!! If you are not scared to your very marrow then I do not know what to say to you. NO, it was not signed because the draft was leaked and the uproar great but so will be the uproar if they try to hire thousands more of law enforcers, yes, the very same people who rounded up the Japanese here in America, who beat up the marchers in Selma, who fought with them at Stonewall, the very same police in France who rounded up the Jews with great enthusiasm and the same for all the Nazi friendly native police in the Ukraine, in Lithuania, and elsewhere. They cannot get in, but if they are on a plane, okay, but we will see to it that they do not get on a plane and it goes on. The stink reeks to the heavens and the fear this induces, well, there are no words.
     Now the man insists that he has a great guy for his vacant Flynn position, even as the cry for investigation grows louder and louder, even as Republicans were running around yesterday to meetings with and about the FBI, about the part the Russians played in the election and again - this election is null and void in my book - and no one want  a part of this man unless that person also is a flawed  hater, a bigot, a liar, a thief, an incompetent, with nothing good to say about them.
     So Silver from the NBA states it all. "We do a tremendous amount of business on a global basis, and if you think about what the NBA stands for, it’s, in essence, the very best all coming together, the very best in the world all coming together to perform at the highest level." And that, my friends is what the USA is supposed to mean and do as well. So if we do, we will not have talk of secession in California and then other states. Seems unreal, extreme, right, but then again - look who is president. In fact, in yesterday's obits in the Times, there was an In Memorium which stated in a PS - "And you will NEVER believe who is president!"
And here we are.
     But do not think that this stink of dictators and hate and lies and cheating and corruption end with the federal government. Nope for we have a good example of that here, in good old CV. We have an incompetent government that has survived on fear and nastiness. We have had presidents who have taken bribes and been forced out yet the nastiest one so far is the one we have at present, David Israel. He believes that there are no rules that apply to him and even should an opponent gain office, he refuses to incorporate them into its machinery and bans them from committees. Talk of hateful? Talk of gray areas? Talk of areas where the stink of questionable actions reek? Talk of where is the money going and where has it gone? Talk of bad contracts and bullying? Talk of nasty campaign tactics? Well, folks, go no further, for it is right here within the soul of David Israel and his cohorts. Bob Marshall cannot keep things straight within his damaged mind and is up for office again only to keep someone who will speak up from gaining the position. Bob Marshall is incompetent at this point of carrying out any responsibilities other than saying "I second the Motion" as directed to by David. Shame on you, David and shame on you, Molly for allowing this travesty to take place.
     So here we are with an election in two weeks or so and there is no truth allowed out there. Yet, the Atlantic Broadband is all just about done thanks to the perseverance of those who have the welfare of the village at heart and there will be more improvement and proper allocation of funds and definitions of repair and improvements once this guy is gone. Or outvoted. So do not vote for those he recommends for they are no good, other than one or two who are getting tarred with the same brush, but no matter, for David tars all who do not follow him lockstep with the same tar brush!! Find out their names and vote for them. Bullet vote for five or seven so they will definitely get in. Vote for those who have taken the abuse, who have been accused of a conspiracy where there is none. Vote for the Village, and not for David Israel and crew. That is our only hope.
     So the stink gets higher and higher, here in the country and here in the Village. It is incumbent upon us to eliminate that stink. NOW!!
      PS to Gracie. perhaps you have never been able to distinguish between capability and incapability as you are somewhat lacking in that area as well, but suffice it to say that Bob's growing deficit was easily visible and noticed for years, including and especially during his last term in office so what could we expect now. Last time he spoke he wandered off into why he was fired from a job and where he went and it all had nothing to do with being VP. In this small video presentation he also introduced "alternative facts" a la Trump. C'mon! Have a little pity and let the man alone and do not expose him to more ridicule.

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