Monday, February 20, 2017


      Last nite I watched a recent taping of Full Frontal with Samantha Bee. She is quite funny and on target with a great delivery but as I laughed, particularly at our pathetic leader, I also realized that we are indeed in great trouble. Never before have I seen a president with such little respect coming his way. Day after day, in fact, hour after hour, there are items coming out about him that lower the bar even more - but the worst thing is that we have grown to accept it, thinking that our protests are enough and will keep him contained. But that is wrong thinking.
     This imbecile, this dangerous creep, is planning on releasing another executive order re immigration and here we go again!! Oh, he left out the Syrians in this one but the intent and the actions are the same so off we will hie to the airports, to the streets and to the courts.
     It is time that we hie to the courts and to the Congress and demand, DEMAND, that this man be removed from office. Does he think that having his poor wife come out there and read the Lord's Prayer, most inappropriate at a campaign rally, read it in a voice that shook with fear of him should she muff it? What the hell was that. And Donald, kiddo, the Lord has long ago left you. I believe you need to be looking south for your compadre!
     In any case, we must demand that Congress, the pathetic individuals of the Cabinet, reach deep down into their mean little souls and heart and for once in their lives do the right thing. Forget the power they think they have to ruin our country. Forget the mean little snickers they laugh behind closed doors. Think about the country. Think about how they would like life in a Russian America? It seems that big industrialists in Russia have a heyday and then they are off to prison and the gulag. Think about that, all you Cabinet wimps and the same goes to you in Congress. Joe Manuchin, you are a traitor to your people, voting with the Republicans on almost every issue so why not openly join them? What do you think you are hiding and McCain, you are indeed a hero, a true hero, so let us gin up that heroism again and speak in plain language, no more hints, no more metaphors, nothing but the plain unvarnished truth.
     So.....back to Sweden. But wait, nothing happened there. Darn!  Let us take a peek into a weird brain.'Must be those nasty media people that are infecting my brain with alternate facts and fake news but wait! That is what I call their publications so why would I listen to them? Oh, dear, I am getting so confused, the poor man thinks. Maybe I should just go and find some tourists who have paid a lot of money to see me in my native environment, the gilded cage of Mar a Lago or Bedminster and conduct some more government in open session. Ha! Then the world will realize just how special I am.' NOT! Never, Donald, for the opposite is happening and people are asking, thinking aloud, how to get thee gone. G-d bless their think sessions with a practical outcome.
      Do you think that we find that pathetic creature you dragged on stage an inspiration, the man who salutes a cardboard cutout of you every morning? That is weird! Truly so! And what, with a bit of investigation what will we find - that the whole thing was staged, or that he belongs to some fringe alt right group, or hey, maybe he came from the back channels from Russia to secretly discuss more about Russia and the Ukraine!! You see, here is where the trouble, the big trouble, the YUGE and Bigly trouble truly reign. You and yours have given comfort to the enemy. That is treason. Period. We cannot have a president who is a traitor. Simply cannot be. That is a given.
     So you are not my president, not the president of millions of Americans. You are the cause of leaders of the world and plain old people calling up friends and saying ,"What the **** is the matter with you people?" Beats me. All I see are the people who are aghast at your position, frightened for the future and the others who voted for you, why they are running for the hills, denying their dastardly deed or closing their eyes and holding their noses but even that cannot stop the truth.
    And it cannot stop the truth from the Village either. Censoring postings and videos. Insuring that people cannot even DO a video. Denying the truth. Yelling at a delegate assembly when the truth was stated. Deny, deny, deny, as you will, the truth is there and more and more people are seeing it. So cling desperately to your position. Cling to your shrinking coterie of lackeys. But what will you do when the Village is bankrupt, filled with deteriorating roads and infrastructure, filled with populations of renters and under 55, filled with children of people who rent, waiting for the busses to pick them up. By the way, we now have three busses waiting, jammed against the fences on Haverhill every morning. Take an early morning stroll and take in the sights!!!
     This is what you have made of the Village and why? Beats me. What the hell are you getting out of this? A place to sit your ass down and play with computers that are not in your home? Are you that desperate? Try going to shows, joining a club, being a volunteer out of the Village, doing something worthwhile. Contemplating one's navel has got to be boring. And hey, here is  a good one, try to cooperate with others. Watch a few shows of Sesame Street where they stress cooperation. Never too late for an old dog to learn new tricks and by the way, please put a leash on that Gracie. Gracie, go read my PS for yesterday's stupid posting of yours and remember, you tell me to move, well, maybe I will send a letter to Trump about that dangerous Canadian in our midst, yes, an immigrant, ooh, uh oh, better get thee gone!! Is this the atmosphere you want here in your place of refuge within our wonderful and blessed country?
     So Sweden aside, we need to put both these people aside - David Israel and Donald Trump. And soon, as soon as we can. For all our sakes.

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