Tuesday, February 21, 2017


     Remember that old song where we would all throw our hands up in the air at the words higher and higher. Fun, hope, optimism, truth. Not quite the same now, is it? Now, what we see is the rising stink of corruption, of ineptitude, of greed, and yes, even treason. For sure we see the lack of morality, the lack of importance of values, of ethics. So where do we go and what do we do?
     Well, we can talk of compensating and coping techniques. Looking for quiet time. Ignoring the reality and thinking it will go away. Yelling at the screens or at the papers. Or better yet, we can go active. Join the protesters who have come out now on almost a daily basis in some areas. Join in the NO crowds of yesterday. NO - he is not our president and NO - we will not accept that his status quo is the one we will accept. If necessary, we will harass and protest and shout to the heavens, threaten our elected officials with the only threat they understand- you will not be reelected and we do this until we have made headway. We talk of 2018 yet we must be strong until then and perhaps even impeach the creep before then or get him declared incompetent, mentally ill, whatever will work ! But in 2018 there are only 8 Republican Senate seats open and 25 Democratic ones. We must keep the Democrats unless it is Manuchin! and take the Republican ones. Only then can we make headway even if it to block for two years the ravages the Republicans wish to rain down upon us.
     We can join with other thinking people around the world. Mexico, where we threaten to wall them in and have them pay for that privilege? Well, now Mexico is saying okay, two can play the game - we will buy our corn elsewhere and then what and in the meanwhile, our wheat from the Midwest will go where? Not to the Asian countries as we have basically told them to go to hell! So....farmers of America who put up signs touting Trump, so where are you now? Think he will make America great again and oh, you fruit and  vegetable farmers, watch your crops rot in the field for lack of workers!! And consumers of America, just watch the prices rise. Oh yes, a greater America indeed! Oh, and let us not forget the cavalier invitation extended to one of Trump's former buddies of Mexico.
"In mid-December, Mr. Pérez received an email from Mr. Trump, which was reviewed by The Wall Street Journal, with an attachment showing a photo of a border fence near San Diego. On the photo was a message written in uppercase: “Any interest in building a 2,000 mile wall—30’ high—between U.S.A. and Mexico? Call me.”
“I told him I thought the wall was immoral and it wouldn’t achieve the goals he wanted to achieve,” Mr. Pérez said. “Plus, I have lots of business in Mexico—I’d be finished here.” Uh huh, there is always a pay back, a two way road.
     But it never ends. Remember Trump University, the fraud upon which Trump settled for $25 million? Remember  the fact that all his buds with the same things and investments are now taking advantage of the new air and scents in that air and especially when the Secretary of Education has her own investments in for profit universities. So these poor students, struggling to make headway in their lives are now out there again, being defrauded and cheated. Oh yes, makin' America great again.
 And so we wait for all the other shoes to drop. The hatred and the threats keep rising. Yesterday there were more bomb threats made to Jewish centers and finally Ivanka woke up and called it bad news! Woow!! Such a powerful tweet she sent and Trump's spokesman finally woke up and said hate has no place here. Sorry, this is not hate - this is anti Semitism and all his wonderful alt right nutjobs who supported him are in all their glory and Trump has never, never disavowed them, not even when the poster boy, Yiannopoulos, gave vent to how it was okay to molest 13 year old boys and what the priests did was actually funny in a way, not such a serious thing! BARF!!!
     And as for Russia, that wonderful friend of ours, well, they are not doing so great themselves what with their economy tanking and Putin too busy bullying the world to pay attention to his own people. Well, Puty, there have been revolutions in Russia before so...just sayin' .and even here, they contradict Trump who denies against all the facts coming out that he and his had contact with Russian governmental officials and Russia admits it. Yup, a treasonous president!! Only in America!! The America of Trump.
     So we need to do nationally what is being done locally right here in CV. Olga has put her original video up on the blogs. Listen to it. Hear the passion. Hear the truth and oh dear, let us just whisper of the fact that David had to eat it when the Committee Chair of the Advisory Committee asked in public for Olga to join them, to become a member and she did and what was more, contributed some great ideas and whoa!!Hold the presses. Even David had to agree with many of them. Is that the sound of pillars of Rome falling? So people, vote properly here in the election and make sure your delegates know their responsibility to do so as well. Vote for a fresh air and not the one with the stink to hang around. Vote for Executive Board members who will also bring in the new, better ideas, hope for our solvent future and a future true to the principles that founded The Village. It can be done with determination and confidence and the knowledge that this is a long term ongoing project and the momentum must be kept alive and working.
     So, for national protests and momentum look to these websites for info.https://www.facebook.com/events/1625765097
     Just noodle around for yourself, type in NO45 on google or Twitter and something will come up. Contact the Democratic Club in your area and they will have info as well. But let us all remain strong!
WE must! We have to! The world depends on us! Remember that slogan? I do.

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