Wednesday, February 22, 2017


     Having seen so many doctors recently, I reflected about the different styles encountered, especially the doorknob doctors. Those are the doctors who enter the room in a big hurry and stand there with one hand on the doorknob, ready to turn it and walk out almost immediately, leaving no time for questions or even to think and then ask questions. On the other hand, we have those medical personnel, doctors, nurses, PAs, techs, who will take the time to listen, to respond and to hear, HEAR, the patient. These people are a blessing to us. Thankfully, it has been my privilege and luck, shall we say, to encounter the latter far more than the former and I am ever so grateful for that.
     But then I thought of life in general, about doorknobs in general, and what happens when we actually reach out to turn one or shy away from it and what we lose or gain by these actions. Hence, this posting.
     Trump turned a doorknob, several of them, many gilt encrusted and gaudy, and is now, shudder, shudder, the President of the United States, though a rather embattled and contested one with a great many suspicions about him, his true thoughts, his capabilities or lack thereof and even  a dark cloud over his very election and loyalty to his country. Not good doorknobs to hang onto, are they? He is similar to the adolescent boy who refuses to listen, who thinks that nothing will touch him and he is right anyway so advice, advance thinking, apologies - which would go a long way - all those are big no-nos for this man. His preferred doorknobs are the ones which lead to playing the hurt individual, the misunderstood individual, and yet, there are those out there who continue to make excuses for him. That is called enabling, and just as one who enables a drug afflicted member of a family with bad results, so too is enabling this man, a man twisted and almost tortured in his thinking, an individual who means no good and no benefit to and for most people. Only his fellow Fat Cats will benefit and yet how blind are the eyes of those he is royally screwing!!
     Over the past weekend, undeterred by the deep and immediate response to his prior ban, Trump had Kelly sign  a new decree "empowering federal authorities to more aggressively detain and deport illegal immigrants inside the United States." This is not my America and hopefully not yours. Emma Lazarus's poem on the Statue of Liberty does not say "give me your tired, your poor, etc." but please limit it to those who came prior to 1890 or who are of Christian religion only, or who come with money or who have no coloration of skin other than "white'. And yet, that is what we now have.
     Ever since Trump turned the doorknob and showed acceptance and entry into mainstream America for the alt right, it has become almost fashionable to rant and rave, threaten Jews and their institutions, vandalize cemeteries and if one has a doubt, why just ask Bannon, a chief member of this community, the hate filled one, the one that is racist, sexest, xenophobic. And why 1890? Why Trump's grandfather came before then so he would be safe. Guess he was a "different" kind of immigrant!
     So we now have the well founded beginning of a police state here in America and have no doubts about it The decree signed allows for the hiring of thousands more to deport people, to raid buildings and gather them up, to rip apart families, to segregate and isolate, to deputize local law enforcement personnel , to threaten cities which refuse to take part in this reprise of WWII Nazi actions and you can still have a doubt that police state is well on the way? Millions of people being grabbed and mishandled. Millions of people being forced onto planes and trains, busses and bridges, millions of people. What is the matter with us that we allow this!!What? Why? And make no mistake about it, when that doorknob was turned we all entered the room, whether to be subjected to this hatred or to perpetrate it on others. It will be the brave and the bold who will stand up to this, protest and defy it.
     So this golf playing secretive man who does his business either in public at a dining room setting or who closes the world off behind the massive and exclusionary gates of his private clubs, this man who condemned Obama for playing golf, this man who speaks well of our enemy and waxes poetic about his best bud, Putin, this man has turned too many doorknobs for me. I could care less if he once sent $10,000 to a bus driver. It is what comes out of his mouth, what his hate engenders that are meaningful to me. It is his attempts to vilify those who protest his actions and policies. It is his follower's intents to accuse those who defy him as bizarre and aberrant even as he still acts in a bizarre and hateful manner, a manic manner, as befits a mentally unstable personality.
     So what has this man done? Harm, only harm. He needs to be pushed into doing the right thing and only pressure and cries force him to it and so what does it mean at the end? Nothing, for it has no heart nor sincerity behind it and when a sentence or two actually is put together in a sensible manner - it is not coming from him, but rather from one who is writing for him, for this man, this Trump, cannot seem to put together a grammatically correct paragraph nor follow a train of thought to conclusion. He can grab crotches and demand his right to do so and the people of America accepted that and elected him, though by a minority of voters and so we now have the doorknobs of life being opened into nasty corridors and rooms where we really should not go or be.
     So which doorknobs will you pick? Which doorknob will you accept and which not? And that goes for local life as well. Is it not time that we close the door which has the doorknob of the UCO mismanagement under David Israel et al? Is it not time that we opened the doorknob, turned the doorknob that leads into a new and fresh air, a new administration and keep turning that doorknob until the room is opened to clear view and one and all see the harm that this man has done to the Village. Yes, when a door closes a window opens they say, but personally, I prefer to enter the door and not go climbing around but we will do what we must, here and in the country. There is that doorknob! Go, turn it and enter into a new and better sphere of life, one of which we can be proud. 

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