Sunday, April 23, 2017


     Every morning I get up and check on line. Are we still here? Are we at war? What other stupidity has the moron done? What have his henchmen stated again that makes no sense? How have we advanced the fortunes of the Trump family?
     Yesterday we were so informed that Trump cares oh so much about the natural beauty of America. Guess that is why he has rescinded almost all of the regulations instituted in recent years that were meant to protect that environment, to keep our waterways and amazing natural landscapes as pristine as we could make them. Well, of course, because there is no environmental crisis is there? It is all faked and the crazy storms, the excess amount of icebergs this month, the rising waters, the communities in Alaska that are being overtaken by the ocean, the island nations trying to find new homes for their people,the floods in Miami for heaven's sake! All this does not exist and the warming of the planet - must be a lot of people leaving their ovens on all day!! But Trump is going to save it all - by destroying it! Figure that logic.
     As we look thru the almost 100 days of Trump, the period of time which is supposed to be a honeymoon period and a time for productivity, we see the opposite. His approval ratings keep sinking, his promises are shown to be the most hypocritical ever and people are truly worried. The countries of the world, allies or foes, do not know how to react to him and that is dangerous folks for if not sure, they too will have fingers on buttons that should not be pushed. Today we have North Korea threatening to bomb, to nuke, the aircraft carrier steaming their way - after going the wrong way - and just follow what that means and do not put it past this weirdo in North Korea not to do it. He is as impulsive and non thinking as our own president, G-d help us.
     Our 'swamp' seems to be thriving there in DC as Trump imports more and more former lobbyists, Wall Street honchos, industrialists and family. Nepotism is praised by the Trump sons and why not? They are doing quite well by it along with Ivanka and Jared. As for the other members - Tiffany, Barron, Melania - who was that again? If you cannot produce the green you are unworthy!!
     Sessions designates Hawaii as an island out there in  the Pacific, guess not worth anything and now he accuses Escondido of non cooperation with ICE and meanwhile they are one of the most cooperative, but threatened they are. Is there anything this administration can get correct? Are they all suffering from one form of dementia or another and cannot pull up facts and figures that make sense? And Sean Hannity is all perturbed that it has been revealed that he often talks with administration members. So? If he does then he is just another one of the fools, the benighted, who think that we have anything to gain from this Trump and company. Yet he is all a twitter - pants pulled down? Ashamed of what he is doing? Afraid to end up like O'Reilly? Either have the courage of one's convictions and actions or do not do them!! And if one does and one is caught out - well, man up and step up.
     So in the 100 days we have accomplished demolition of our country and what it stands for, what it has accomplished over its existence, the progressive steps it has taken. We have reverted to prejudice, to dark moments, to explosive anxiety and hatred. We have single handedly set back the course of the planet in a major way and it is a question if we can ever regain and advance once more. We have a demented man who tweets in his bathrobe, incompetent aides and advisers, ethics conflicted administration people, a family openly profiting from their father's position and they crow about it! And where the hell are his taxes? Just about the best or rather most consistent record of performance has been the consistent steps of doing the opposite of what he said and/or promised, including cancelling that which would stop the inversion process wherein companies actually join foreign companies and thus no more US taxes. Hmmm. Thought that was to be a no - no. Guess again, I guess!!
     And the sad thing is that while we do have some administrators around the country who are opposed to this, who have the courage and the decency and the ethics and honesty to speak up and out and against all this, we do have others who follow the Trump way - and guess where one is sitting right now within our own Village borders. Got it? Uh huh. Dictatorship is catching.
     Life sucks at times, does it not. Well, there is a new organization about neighbors so why not join that and if interested just drop a line via the comments section and I will send  info to you. Or come Tuesday to Rubio's office at 9 and protest his nonsense and his part in all this. Check a prior post for the address or send me a line. Join in and join up. Speak out. Demand justice and rights and liberty along with compassion and ethics. It is the only shot we have.

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