Friday, April 21, 2017


         Remember that? The slogan of a generation and the beginning of questioning of authority and what it does. So we need to ask it again. Worry? you betcha!! In  fact, if we do not worry now, we will not have to worry later for there will be no later! Not for us and not for the world.
     This guy is out of control. Obviously he never paid attention to football history and the famous story of the guy who ran the other way and scored a touchdown for the other guys for here we are with an "armada' going the other way from the direction in which they supposedly had been ordered to. So whether Trump is a typical male who never asks directions or he is incompetent or he has lost control over the military or any combination of the above is up for grabs. In any case, this is dangerous.
     We are engaged in a battle of words and threats that are on the brink of warfare, playing chicken with nuclear weapons. The man is mad, just mad! And he is at it with another madman, the weird dude from North Korea who delights in getting up and killing a few people just to start the day off and his blood rolling. The Chinese, seeing their puppet state under duress, have put their armed forces on alert and in fact, I believe they themselves do not know what to do, what the next step is in this unholy mess that these two idiots have led us to. And as for Russia, I bet they too are confused what with their puppet now going off key and making threats to them instead of making nice-nice as he was supposed to do and now they are flying their jets too close to Alaska, perhaps planning to take it back! Who the hell knows just what is flying these days!
     Then we have the dangerous fool Sessions telling off a judge from Hawaii over his ruling which does not quite please him, telling him that sitting on an island in the Pacific is not a quality control evidently for making judicial rulings that overrule Trump's immigration decisions. Well, Sessions old boy, hate to break the news to you, but for 58 years the islands of Hawaii have been a state, equal to any other state of the country and just because we stole it from the Hawaiians for business reasons does not undo the facts, does it? 
     So let's see what else we should not be worrying about. Well, yesterday I had to see a doctor quickly due to a bit of a complication, and why golly gee, who should I see but a lovely PA who oh dear, oh dear, oh dearie me, has Indian background. Should I have checked to see if she were an - gasp- immigrant or should I believe that since she spoke English as an American, native born, with  no accent, I would be 'safe'? The whole thing is so damn stupid and so damn dangerous for the emphasis that is being put on this. We are a nation of immigrants, like it or not, one's prejudice or not, one's thinking that the gates should have been closed after his ancestor immigrated, we are what we are and thank goodness for that!
     So, back at the ranch, we have a military that now does what it wants as they take Trump's words quite literally and make their own decisions, violating the very principle of our founders that the military is subject to civilian control here in this country. When military takes precedence we have the situation seen all around the world and that is not good, most definitely not.
     But wait! How could I have reached this point without pointing out the most incompetent press secretary ever - Sean Spicer? One almost has to feel sorry for the guy so clueless is he and so afflicted with tiny brain syndrome. But we probably should not be worrying for Sarah Palin has come to the White House along with two music stars so Trump is a happy camper, more celebrities - of a sort anyway - and life is good here in these states of ours. Perhaps she has some scintillating insights how to deal with Russia.
     In the meanwhile, we are awaiting answers to more questions than a three year old can devise. Why is the national security person in charge of investigating Trump and Russian connections suddenly quitting? And for that matter, why is Chaffetz quitting for a vague reason - not that he will be missed, assuredly not! And where the hell is Kellyanne Conway? Anybody seen her lately? Is she lost in some underground WH dungeon or has she been assigned to the Aleutian islands? Has Pope Francis agreed to meet Trump or is this another figment of imagination? In fact, has the Disney creation, Figment, escaped from Epcot and gone to live in the White House? That is as likely an explanation as any in this upside down world of ours.
      Trump is being sued now for his rulings and orders that are under the authority of the Congressional Review which means to tamper with our future - should we have one - so just add that to the list of suits. The Feds are investigating Fox for their whole dealing with the O'Reilly issue and the settlements, Trump is now back on his rant about trade deals, destroying healthcare here in the country and at least he is remembering to ignore and disrespect Melania. He is not deserting his misogynistic pals. Whew! I was worried there for a second. And while we are on the topic of Melania, why did she have to bump the idiot twice to remind him that when the national anthem is played, one stands with hand over heart and not grinning like a fool. So this dude who already has treasonous possibilities now shows them in public? Not a good thing, dude, not at all.
     What? Me worry? You better believe it! Don't know about you, but I have no particular interest in turning into a shadow on a wall or dying of radiation sickness because we were all idiots and allowed the chief one to become our leader. Oy, and a double oy on that. So yes, worry. Please do - and then act and help us all as we try to get this guy gone from office for incompetence, treason, insanity, whatever works!
     Here is  first step.
     On April 25th at 9-11 am there is a scheduled protest at Senator Marco Rubio's office in Palm Beach Gardens.  

I will be heading over there around 8:15 so I can grab a coffee and scone at the cafe nextdoor to his office.  It would be great if some of you could join in.  

If anyone is interested, or thinks you may know someone who would be, please let me know.  

His office is in PGA Commons:
4580 PGA Boulevard #201

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