Thursday, April 20, 2017


     There are times when one looks around and despairs. When will things change? When will the good and the right be on top once more? When will the selfish and the corrupt get their deserved "desserts" and when will the repercussions fall upon those who deserve it? But do not despair, for the time does roll around. The wheel of time is relentless and no one is immune to it.
     Take a look around at the greatest - meaning the most powerful - dictators of history. They, too, thought themselves impervious to the wheel of time, but they found out otherwise. Go all the way back in history. Pharaoh thought he was the ultimate ruler, the ultimate despot but that invisible G-d of the Israelites showed him otherwise. Julius Caesar thought he was in there for life - yup, right until death struck and not naturally either. And skip right thru the eons of history to modern times.
     The most powerful dictators in modern time - Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Duvalier - all names that have gone and their import in real life is no more. They have no control over the people of their countries any longer for they and/or their beliefs have been discarded. So too will be the fates of the tinpot dictators of Africa and Central and South America for they cannot stop the natural process and progress of history. The wheel grinds on and over it all.
     But all these dictators have things in common. There are major defects in their personalities; their souls are warped and twisted and their values way off. Their hearts are stone cold and they are ruled at one and the same time by their damaged self esteem and their huge overblown egos. Their insecurities make them harsh and unthinking and uncaring for the needs of others, be the others those of a small town such as CV right here in West Palm or the larger population of a country or even their world wide aspirations. They are all the same, only differ in the size of their stages and the scope of their ambitions.
     While reading a most interesting book over the holidays, The Women in the Castle, and I heartily recommend it, there were descriptions of Hitler, not physical, but mental, emotional, ambition, and so on and well, blow me down, but it could have been talking about any dictator or would be dictator and that includes our own dear David Israel. The defects in soul, the obvious ambitions, the ability to just run over people who get in his way, the inability to hear of the needs of others, the development of a small coterie of yeasayers, of people who have sold their souls for the bit of reflected "glory' and power - it is all the same thing. While the scope of influence is different, the path and the behavior and the whole descriptive package is right there and can be pasted one over the other without distinction or difference.
     All dictators change the laws. They work within the system to gain power and then use the weaknesses of the system to retain power and then take the final step of changing the laws to permanently keep that power. All the while they do not see the antagonism building, the harm they have caused and continue to cause. They do not see the opposition grow, the resisters grow in strength and do not remember that the wheel of time doth grindeth on and they are squarely in its path. So, David Israel, the tinpot dictator of CVWPB, who is trying to cement his position as official dictator for life here in the Village as he goes about changing the by laws for his benefit, all the better to lock out the residents, as he co-opts the delegates and makes the delegate assembly a joke, a sad and pathetic joke, - remember the Bible and its warning to a dictator there. "Mene mene tekale oopharseen" - "numbered, numbered, weighed and divided" - be it in Babylon or here, the handwriting is on  the wall - read it and weep is the inference. And so it happened there and so too will it happen here in the Village. There is no time limit for it. So enjoy what you can now. Enjoy being the minor bully that you so gladly embrace as your personality. Keep shoving your desires and wants down the throats of the people - but the handwriting is on the wall. It is there for all dictators and you fit so seamlessly into that category and classification. So you do not like when I write of you. You scream about it on your blog and even in meetings. There is no room for me at the inn, so to speak - your words, your needs - but there is plenty of room for me right here on line and yes, David Israel, people do read me. I do not think it is the 200 million you accused me of having as my audience - that is your ego talking, your ego and your guilt - but yes, I am read, here in the Village, here in the state and the country and yes, dear boy, even overseas.
     And as far as you are concerned, I will follow in the path of the wheel, perhaps even guiding it a tad if I may so presume, and so will I be for any and all dictators, as a group or as a single unit. We have a potential dictator right here in the country and I fear his plans as well for all he cares about is his business and no, not even his family, except as how they serve his needs. So yes, for Ivanka, but Tiffany? Who the hell is she? And for his wife, Melania, well, she can keep on walking behind him for all he cares. He, too, is building his small coterie of loyalists, but it seems to keep falling apart and as far as I am concerned, he is not only uncaring of others, uncaring of the fate of his country except as it relates to himself and his economic and psychological needs, but he is dangerous and possible treasonous as well. He is certainly a misogynist and perhaps the fate of all the ones who lately have been outed and sent into "exile" should send a message. No one is immune to the effects and changes of time. No one is immune to the relentless path of the wheel of time. Its passage affects us all and in the long run it will help the little guys and will serve the offenders their just desserts. And till that time we will continue to speak up, resist, protest and write, and demonstrate. Nothing will or can stop the momentum - not here in the Village and not here in the country. And it will be done, hopefully, without violence, though I fear there is a violent streak already out there in the country, so strong are the feelings, the emotions, the cause. People do not like oppression and people demand the truth. And so does the wheel of time.

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