Sunday, April 16, 2017


       Well, look on the bright side, for at least every Sunday morning I can open up the latest skit from SNL and have a good laugh, but then what? From the beginning I have predicted dire things to happen, including war in the streets, particularly as people see no hope as the safety net is dismantled and the hatred grows. The hope lessens and when that happens, beware.
      Yesterday we had a battle in the street with hundreds of people battling each other. Americans all, fighting, throwing things at each other, screaming and why? Because this man and what he represents has brought despair to us, to the point of feeling that if we try to last through a four year term with this maniac then we will be lost. And the news that this major moron, this buffoon, has a $16 million dollar campaign fund going for 2020, well, that is certainly not a cherry on top! It is the bomb, the fuse, that sets people off. And of course the  fact that hundreds of thousands of dollar of those funds are going to Trump businesses makes one nauseous. To the extreme!
     He and his claim they are making life better for Americans, particularly the blue collar ones, you know the ones who will suffer from his actions, so let's check on his accomplishments so far.
----cancel the Clean Power Plan so forget the regulations re clean air, no coal, etc. Buy a mask!!
----Waters of the US Rule - just forget clean water, so just get big pots to boil it and let's go back to bathing once a week! Will save you money, right!!
----Stream Protection - so what if we will have waters that are black and tainted with the waste of coal mines? Business will benefit, so  there!
----Blacklisting Rule - forget about cleaning up the act of companies as they will no longer have to report federal violations when bidding on more federal contracts. Yup, must keep big business happy!
---- Gun Limits for Mentally Ill - mustn't touch Second Amendment - no matter how many people are killed by these guns and their mentally ill owners!!
----Limits on drug testing for Benefits - just a wonderful way of trying to take away the safety net from those who are already down. Gee, wonder if they do drug testing on the executives of the businesses who bid for billion dollar contracts from the feds? Hmmm...
----Broadband Privacy - so why are you afraid? Just do not plan any crimes and better keep your money in a sack around your waist and forget on line banking! What do you have to hide anyway?
----Overtime Rule - why would you think working more hours and not getting paid for it is unfair? Just be happy you have a job and that those "bad hombres" have not taken it from you!
     In any case, it seems we will be redefining what it means to be an American and then why, we can eliminate so many people that our country will be as pure as the driven snow - but then again, think of that snow after three days of city life and especially when all the clean air regulations are totally revoked. Face masks anyone? Bet Trump already has a factory geared up to sell Trump Masks with a bonus of a picture of him and his stupid grin. Or pout. Take your choice. Speak with an accent - uh oh! Better get going or better yet, just shut up.
     Are you a liberal, a humanist, a concerned citizen, a member of a minority - well, have you checked out the countries of the world? Several of them need repopulating so perhaps refugees will be welcome, at least when their wars are over and we stop spending almost $2 million dollars per terrorist killed - if that many were actually killed in the first place! Since we began announcing enemy body counts in the Vietnam War I have never understood why we count with glee the numbers of people killed. The mere fact that we are at war means that hatred has won the day and we have all lost the war! No matter who wins the battles.
     So please, do not give me the line again of that we have to give him a chance. More chances and he will destroy us or perhaps it will be the nuke from North Korea or Putin will have a bad day as his best bro turns even more on him and tries to deny how much he helped him in the election. Ungrateful cad!!
     In all seriousness, we have to act, we have to impeach, recall, stand firm, be in the streets and fight for our rights or else all is lost. And change the Electoral College and hopefully the blue collar workers and anyone with a brain start realizing how much damage we have done to ourselves. The alternative is not really a good one.


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