Sunday, April 16, 2017


     Once again there was magic in the air. Hollywood Studios was full of laughing families, many little kids and the magic was evident in the singalong of Frozen and the story presented. Every parent and every child knew every word and when Let It Go was to be sung there was a full throated audience participation, particularly among the women. What it expressed is far more important than its place in a Disney film and yet, it was the best place for it at the time.
     But going home the magic began to disappear as the news was on and Trump idiocy took foremost spot of the news. He is trying to out tough the toughies, North Korea, and we are left hanging. He continues to refuse, with great indignation, to reveal his taxes for after all - the election is over and yet he cannot seem to leave it behind as he keeps referring back to it and to his opponent who has moved on and yet he remains stagnant except for his harmful plans.
     One of those sinister plans is the lack of broadband privacy. He who whines about being wiretapped is going to allow all sorts of private information out there for business to grab up - and that is your information, your private information, your banking, your interests, your contacts, and anything else done on line. and yet we here in CV have another reason to be afraid of this plan of his.
     We live in a village where the head of its administration is trying to ram thru broadband of his liking and foist it upon the Village. We have broadband and we are doing well. I wonder if the supposed nastiness of Comcast has come about due to the nastiness and miserable attitude of David et al.Where is it written that they will provide for us if they do not reach our Village and wire it up by the end of the present contract. Oh yes, David says they say they will but where is it in writing? Why is he so hot to trot with Atlantic Broadband? Why does he not explain to the residents how he will do extra to preserve their privacy? 
    And why are we rushing into voting. The May DA is always poorly attended as we have run out of seasonal attendance so once again a small minority of the Village population will vote for the rest of it. Not right and not fair; this is a big expense for people and they deserve to have a say in it. We already have a huge increase for next year in our payments and dues so what are we doing adding more on to people?
     The hand of David is all there. Suddenly, Lanny Howe, who has great difficulty putting together comments on the blog, suddenly this same Lanny who admits he was not a techie expert, starts sounding just like David Israel. Gee, wonder who is writing all his material? Not  a hard guess, my friends, not at all.
     It is a dark time indeed when it appears that all the governments and administrations that we have are suddenly all opposed to what is good and right for the people. It seems that no one cares for the people, only for their own wishes, their own power and their own overgrown egos.
     So the magic of fun and love, of goodness and yes, perhaps naivete, seems to dissipate, and nastiness grows apace. Trump is insane, pure and simply that, David Israel is a megalomaniac with many character defects, Waldman could care less about our quality of life as he plans to dig up the former golf course and choke us with poisons from his golf course and the commissioners and committees go right along. Sniff, sniff. Anyone smell a rat?
     So yes, the magic is still here, but the darkness encroaches. It is up to us to chase that darkness and demand that things be done in the right and moral manner. If we do not then who will? If we do not, all is lost and we will not be aware of that until too late as it is chipped away, a bit at a time.
     My next post will be sometime Wednesday, after the holiday. Again, please take the time to read what you might have missed. See ya Wednesday back in the Village. And as for my overseas readers, look around at your governments  and think and evaluate. Marine Le Pen on the way to victory? Dear G-d!! Are we inviting terrorists into our midst as we vote without thinking? Look around. Look carefully. What I write of here in the States is not unique to it. Only  perhaps the degree of buffoonery of Trump but I am sure you have bad leaders as well in some areas. Nothing is unique in our world. Nothing.

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