Tuesday, June 27, 2017


     Yesterday I finally had the chance to watch the Megyn Kelly interview with Alex Jones.  I think she did a wonderful job, pressing him for answers and insisting he recognize his own ploys and she did it all in a calm voice yet clearly indicated what she thought of his views and expressions. So did Tom Brokaw later on in the program. Kudos to her and Tom. As I sat there listening, I marveled at her ability to avoid throwing up and the next thought was Lordy, Lordy - there are now two of them, two men who make me nauseous at the mere sight of them as the ugliness of their views take on physical representation and portrayal. You remember the saying, from Nietzsche I believe, that if one looks into the abyss, the abyss looks back at you. Well, here is a fine example of it, for the ugliness of their views, the hate they spew and generate, lines their very faces - and their souls too, I am sure.
     There was a Pew research poll that shows that more than three quarters of the world have no confidence and no liking nor trust in Trump. I am embarrassed to my core that this man supposedly represents me, mine and my country to the world. Actually, he most emphatically does not and we must make sure that the rest of the world recognizes that Trump has not changed the majority of us, we are still the Americans of old who stand up for the values of their country, who remember the true history and meaning of America and who actually have a functioning brain between their ears along with a command of our native tongue.
     Actually, the question is how could anyone still consider this man a true president of the American people. He picks and chooses those whom he approves and most fall into the white and rich, rich, rich category along with a few "privileged" others such as Ben Carson and his own daughter and son in law, Jared Kushner. But as for those who do not make those distinctions, well, watch your health, for as I have stated and as others are jumping on board with the same feeling, this new proposed healthcare bill is a 'just die bill' for any of moderate or lower income for they will never be able to afford it, and certainly never make it thru a six month waiting period with pre existing conditions. Just die is the thought and hope and think how much money the government will save for no longer having to help these people, cut Medicaid and give the saved money to those wealthy dudes who have no need of it but are greedy as the day is long, and rival Uncle Scrooge in their grasping of money. Die ins have been held all over the country making the meaning and purpose and result of this healthcare proposal loud and  clear. 
     More senators are rejecting it, but let us hope they remain firm as Republican senators and lawmakers have a habit of caving in at the end. And in the meanwhile, let us look at the newest Supreme Court Judge, Gorsuch. What a disaster that is going to be as his participation in yesterday's decisions clearly delineate where he stands and trust me, to consistently stand with Clarence Thomas, yet another pervert in office, is bad news for any civil rights or progressive thinking in the nation. Federal money for religious schools to improve physical plants and land, enforce the whole travel ban - good grief!, and let everyone get cover licenses for guns for evidently, the more the merrier? And this guy stands to be on the Court for many a year, G-d help us. Long and healthy life to Kennedy, to all the ladies, and Breyer, the last hope of fresh air and progressive ideas for us in the Court.
     And for a closing touch to indicate where this nation is headed if these super religious and super conservatives take over more of the governments, we will have more stories of the woman who was told that she is responsible for the behavior and thinking of males around the pool and thus it is incumbent upon her to dress how they deem appropriate. I might not have liked her bathing suit, but then again, it is my right to like or not, approve or not, but not my right to dictate to her. We here in the Village already have issues where religious dictates (supposedly) have infringed upon the decorum of the Village and it is not pretty.
      So 15 million to die next year, 7 more million over the following years and uh oh, a problem. I just read that cemeteries are running out of space so what will we do with all these dead people? Better research that, my non caring people in Congress! Such problems. Such issues.
     This hateful and hate filled and contemptuous attitudes of the privileged towards those whom they consider the opposite must stop. We left those attitudes behind and were continuing to work on those who would rather they return, but today is the worst it has been in a long time, with hate being expressed out in the open, with threats being bandied about and there appears to be no end in sight. So what will it take? How many more people do we have to hurt? How many more people will we deny refuge? How many more people will grow up in a changed for the worse United States? How many and for how long?
     The choice is ours. The work is ours. Step up folks, step up or forever lose your place.

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