Wednesday, June 28, 2017


    Well, I got a taste of the future yesterday and I did not appreciate it at all. First, we needed a refill of migraine pills, an item I have used for years as necessary and as Disney sings, "as old as time". Well, guess I am supposed to have migraines without these pills to help with the pain and the lights as a new bottle would cost over $300. Yup, you read that right.
     Then came the second ding of the day. We went to renew some of my diabetic items and were told suddenly that it was not covered, would cost $435 and mind you, this is an item used on a daily basis so that same charge would be recurring every few weeks. Huh! What the heck happened? And by the way, my insulin was supposedly not ready to be renewed. Considering that I was down to my last pen that was a bit worrisome, don't you think! what was going on. The first piece of advice was to switch to another system and perhaps that would be covered. Uh uh. No go for me because I am sure I was still covered. And thus began the journey through Alice's not so wonderful Wonderland.
     Oh, and by the way, I have a little tidbit from the day's events that meanS something special just for David Israel so hang in there. to the phone and the computer, getting numbers and names to call and contact, companies, government outlets, whatever. We were sent hither and thither but no answer or definitive suggestion as to how to solve this. So I guess I was supposed to go curl up in a corner with a massive headache and then just let the diabetes take over and die - Trumpian medicine before its time!! 
     Poor Gerry as he was the one who sat on the phone. After having to deal with so many governmental offices and officials during my professional years, I seem to have developed an allergy to them!! Oh, I can walk the walk and talk the talk, but oh, those hives! So round the bushes we went and then, a burst of music, glorious light as we finally reached a person in Medicare who knew what the facts and the procedures were and what happened.
     So it seems that the drugstore - that shall remain nameless - was doing it wrong and I was covered for diabetic supplies under Part B and not Part D and somehow it only caught up to us now. So, one problem fixed - or would be when we spoke to the pharmacy. Next? The insulin. Aha! Computer glitch as the pens were there in the fridge awaiting our pickup. The migraine pills? Still working on that!
     Now here is the part special for you, David. As Gerry was the one who spoke to these governmental officials, I had to give him permission to speak about my business. For the first time ever, someone asked me if I wanted this permission to be forever - at least till I croaked - and I said oh yes. But how? So she proceeded to ask some questions, and read me a long declaration with all consequences listed and I confirmed my agreement to the terms and then - Guess What, Davy boy. Oh yes - I signed with an ESignature!! Yes, the government of the United States of America accepted - even solicited - an ESignature! Oh my. Did not have to fax anything, email anything, just ESignature. Now seriously, dear boy, you and  Anita Buchanan and any and all other suckers and brownnosers. If the government accepts an ESignatue, especially on  something as important as health related issues, then sorry, David, so can UCO.  Hmm... UCO vs. Federal Government. Hmmm. You lose, - so GET OVER IT, DAVID!! I just punctured your self important bubble and there you are, revealed behind the curtain, a lot of sound and fury signifying nothing but hot air and self aggrandizement. Humph!! Just like Trump!! He has had to get himself a lawyer, a whole slew of them so maybe that is the way we need to go, yet again. But make sure it is not a dirty lawyer such as he picked who is now revealed to also have diverted charitable donations to the charity called Self charity!! Shame, Shame!
     You see, truth always comes out and misdeeds of people crawl out of the wood work at the most inconvenient times. What would happen, David, if there were a forensic accounting going back years, to the destruction of the Clubhouse,  and all the alleged financial shenanigans that went on then and ever after, including the smelly dealings at the time of the road job, the misappropriation of funds at that point, the financial misdeeds in transferring money without legal right to, and everything that has followed. What would indeed be the result? What would happen if an investigation into the lies you spew forth, an investigation into the violation of the civil rights of American citizens all came  about. What a dirty river of truths violated would issue forth.
     People are getting more and more up to the neck with you and your obstructionist behavior. Oh, you can keep on using delaying tactics, but the truth does come out. Here is a simple one. You lied to the DA about the Sheffield mess, that it was going to be sold and yet there we are, with Ed Black going there to advise the creep, Kelly, and meanwhile all the suckers in the DA who believed you and clapped so heartily, are now sitting with their thumbs up their rears!!
     Same as Trump. Seems he knew all about the Russian hacking and yet for six months shouted out how he did not know. Really? Smell something? Guess he was so deeply involved, with everything, from himself down to his bud, Manafort, his campaign chairman,getting millions from Russian sources. HA!
     Do you also have a fake Time magazine cover in your office or are you better than that? What an idiot that man is, what a self conceited overblown ego he has. He does what every kid does and gets a picture on a fake cover of a newsmagazine for the yuks it gets but for an adult to do that!! And to try to pass it off as the real thing? I am nauseous again.
     When leaders, or supposed leaders, lose the respect of their electorate, trouble for them ensues. The legislators have neither reverence nor adoration nor liking nor fear of Trump anymore and so this horrific bill goes by the wayside until the people haters try yet again. And for that, perhaps the cure is to read the medical report about a little boy and all the medical care he has received and how he lives and is doing fine right now - all thanks to the health insurance the family has, all due to the no cap policy, and where would he and his family have been under Trump Care? Dead and in mourning.
     The country is falling apart what with plague being found in New Mexico, hospitals getting hacked along with other institutions today, people hating each other, getting violent with each other but Trump and his minions have one track minds and never you mind, on they forge!! And the same with the Village. There is a growing divide within the Village. There is a growing strong dislike of David Israel, his tactics and his followers, his intransigence, his obstructionism as we try to get the Village back on the right track and enough with the harmful and unwanted multi million dollar contracts and enough with the constant alleged stream of lies and mistruths and yes, FAKE NEWS. Perhaps we should get a federal government employee to come in and explain the legal correctness and validity of ESignatures. Perhaps then we can move forward.
     Impeachment for both Presidents? Sounds like a good idea to me.
     Here is a good PS for all of us. Consumer Reports rated 32 TV providers and guess where Atlantic Broadband is? - it is 3rd from the bottom, 30 out of 32. Wow, what a great deal David has gotten us into yet again.

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