Thursday, June 29, 2017


     Taking a look at the major stories of the day, and the minor ones as well, it is discouraging no matter where one looks. Here we have a victory, temporary though it might be, in the holding off of the vote on Trumpcare, and yet here we are, with Trump sticking in his literally two cents of knowledge into the fray. So desperate is he that he even sanctions the going after of one of the Senators, Heller, who stated non equivocally that he will not and cannot vote for the bill as is. Too harsh on the electorate and those who need Medicaid, help with coverage, etc. One stalwart on the bill even gave a statement that the $3.8 million tax cut in the bill for the wealthy needs to be removed and the higher deductibles and higher premiums will prevent his people from coverage and healthcare. So no deal as is.
     The Republicans play games with the Medicaid cuts, a member of the city council of Middleton, Ohio, now states that any overdoses in his city will not be addressed and the people can just die. Aha!! There we have it - the Death Budget. The poison is beginning to spread over the whole country, a non caring toughness that has a distinct anti humane approach and philosophy. We read of a Cardinal adviser to the Pope being charged with major counts of sexual molestation and we read of supposedly religious Jewish couples cheating the government of funds in social programs. Both stories make me nauseous as the very people who should be setting examples are indeed doing so - but in the wrong direction. You should excuse me, but these people have as much true connection to religion as does a muskrat!! None!! And the poison spreads worldwide as a Japanese company insisted they could not allow a man in a wheelchair to be carried up the ramp by friends and nor could they themselves help him, so this poor guy dragged himself up using only his hands. What use is an apology here?
     Gorsuch has decided he can now uncloak himself as the avenging super dude of the ultra right and is pushing his agenda big time. Everyone should be able to carry a gun, with cover, no restrictions - lovely thought. There should be no restrictions on public funds going to religious schools and just follow that thought. I taught and worked in the Jewish day school arena and I am totally against this. Textbooks yes - infrastructure that can be used in a religious manner, tuition vouchers - no way. This is the same thinking that makes me opposed to those who would impose their religious outlooks on me and all women with their anti choice demands. This man would upend the country within his first full term and the Republicans who put one over on the country with his lies and evasions during his confirmation hearing and the violation of tradition in his confirmation vote are laughing all the way to their right wing masters!!!
     In the meanwhile, we have Tillerson going bananas at the head of the presidential personnel office because they are blocking his appointees for the State Department, contradicting his statements and I guess the boiling point was reached. Kushner and others were in the office and they did not approve this outburst - tsk, tsk! Guess they do not want people to hear that they are cracking from within, but what is more of a worry is the fact that Trump discusses North Korea for an hour a day and we all know that this man can go berserk on a dime, with his verys and his biglys and tremendous and fantastic!. Well, it will be a tremendous mushroom cloud if he does not calm down and sits on that finger. I, for one, do not wish to die in a nuclear devastated world when there are other ways to impose limitations on this country and its madman dictator.
      Homeland Security is tightening up security again so soon enough guess we will have to be at the airport three hours before a domestic flight and four or more for an international! Probably should invest in tear away clothes to make it easier for the patdown!! Maybe renting cots in the airport would make the lines go more smoothly as people can be there at the crack of dawn and move it along!! There needs to be a sane limit and plan for security and if the mixups and screw-ups can be eliminated for the most part, if there can be better training, then maybe that will work out better. Till then.......
     And for the piece de resistance, we have the new head "of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, who says he plans to turn the committee away from its investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 election, ..." Of course he will. Why keep exposing the cracks and the corruption and the collusion in his Party. More fun to go chasing off on more neutral topics and perhaps they can screw that up as well. A nice target? The National Census that is coming up and needs preparation starting immediately.
     This lack of forward thinking can be found here in the Village too. Millennium Agreement, anyone? Any prep being done? Nope, much more important to foist the third lowest TV provider on us in a multi million dollar boondoggle! Much more important to keep that nasty CV Messenger out of the Clubhouse for evidently our poor overworked and tired brains cannot take a bit of disharmony and opposition thoughts. Social clubs are just that and they have no interest in bringing politics into their meetings, Eva. Think about it. Truly. ESignatures? Uh uh. Oh yes, shriek about the Internet, but when it comes to making it easier to propose new thoughts, corrections, and more forward thinking, suddenly David Israel and crew turn into Luddites. Good enough for business and the government but not for David Israel. Sniff, sniff!
     So the whole world is infected with the nasty virus, with the selfish virus, where principles do not count, only money and the more the real people are screwed, the better it is. So let them die in the streets, or even in their beds for it is their fault that they are sick, their fault that they are poor. Just ask Trump and his circle of friends. That is certainly not the Circle of Life!
     What a depressing morning set of thoughts but what else is there to think? Well, at least there are protesters. At least we know that there will be an end to the Trumpian thoughts and proposals but can we last that long? Thinking, thinking....

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