Friday, July 28, 2017


     So, according to Scaramucci, another foul mouthed crazed evil man who fits well into the Trump inner circle, Trump is bringing us back to our "roots of disruption" , that a group of rich men got together" and decided on being  a breakaway country. That is his start of our country. Hmmm, a tad different from what I learned and read. Yes, some people were wealthy, but the majority were poor or just making it and even the wealthy lost quite a bit during the years of the war. Hayim Solomon went broke! Guess this is alternative history at its best!!But it simply does not fly and this from the man who now has focused on Priebus as the "leaker" even though there was no leak!! And his language!
    But that is the nature of this administration and I have had just about enough. One cannot believe a word that anyone in it says, kind of like how one cannot believe a word that David Israel or Ed Black or anyone else says in that UCO building. And speaking of that, where is the VP responsible for my quadrant? Is it not Bob Marshall? Did I not say he was too ill to serve and did I not get vilified for that and look now how he is gone from office, officially or not, as he appears to be even more ill than anyone had thought. If so, I wish him a complete recovery and little pain, but the lies of this UCO are horrendous and I have had just about enough of them as well and enough of their plans for restrictive new by laws and plans to emasculate the residents and their constant secret meetings and plans to spend our money without asking us about it. Thousands to pretty up the entrances with lights, and the whole swap of buildings - it reeks of dishonor and cheating and possibly even tax scandals. Read the whole story on Century Village blog site.
     Meanwhile, just like David - wonder if he taught Trump - vilifying an opponent is not enough. Now Trump has taken to threatening his opponents, threatening their states. That has to be a crime, but certainly is morally repugnant and unethical to the nth degree, simply disgusting especially to one of the two ladies in the Senate who seem to have the spine that the men lack. 
     Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Scaramucci displays his lack of moral character by telling his interviewer that one should act like Joe Paterno, and '"Act like you've been there before. Act with honor and dignity and respect " - this the Joe Paterno who was fired from  his job in connection with child sexual abuse. Some honor!! Such are the creatures of the Trump administration.
     But at least we have some humor a la Trump. Hey, David, maybe a bit of humor from you too would go a long way - maybe. But anyway, suddenly the new nitwit, Sanders, comes out and reads a purported letter from a nine year old who certainly badly needs remedial writing and I am familiar with third grade writing - who waxes poetic as to his love for Trump - even eating him up as the shape of his birthday cake. Weird! But anyway, the letter was not creased from folding, the "kid" could spell people but not hose (house) and knew about the sophisticated use of a hyphen when a word is separated in two on two different lines. Uh uh, folks, this is no real kid and just another one of Trump's ridiculous schemes and lies. It belongs with his friend Jim, you know, the imaginary one or perhaps one of those fake people whom Trump used to masquerade as to get his real name in the paper. Yes, the man has been mentally ill for quite some time. Sad, bigly sad, tremendously sad, but true.
     So onward and ever downward. Trump, the man who so loved the LGBT community as a candidate, his prince and princess where are they, AWOL, I guess and now he threatens thousands of brave American soldiers and seamen and aviators? This man gets ever lower on the scale of humanity. How low can he go? Afraid to even think about it. Now they are daring him to throw them out and what will the Pentagon do - listen to an illegal order or stand firm? Wonder where some red lines are? Go read the essay of Charles Blow and see how he agrees with me and wonders who comes next? Scary, very scary.
    And finally, for a touch of humor again, we have several late nite show hosts who basically told Trump where to get off with this LGBTQ statement that is against the law, the law of the country and the law of humanity. Basically, all of them told him to!! I second the motion. The Justice Department waded in  where they were not invited and came out with a ruling that sexual orientation is not protected by anti discrimination rules and laws. What!!!! And appointing Brownback as world religious ambassador when he is a vehement foe of equal rights for gay people?
     And the Republican Party seems to be eating itself from the inside out as they threaten each other, tell the President to lay off Sessions or "holy hell" will result, he threatens others and they want to pass the bill to deprive millions of care and then hope the House does not pass it or send it to Trump. Whatever happened to honor and honesty and care for the people?
     The quieter we remain, the less we protest, the more we say shh, it will be over in three years, the less assurance we have of that and the more certain we will be that our America will turn into Amerika with Trump as the quasi Hitler type of mad dog dictator. I for one will do more than just standby. What will you do?

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