Thursday, July 27, 2017


      Folks, this is a long piece with the top on CV and David Israel and the second half about our country. Read it in two gos if you must but read. Please and thank you.
     Statues. People like to imagine a statue of themselves being erected as a sign of honor and appreciation - true or not! They imagine children playing at its feet, elders telling their stories and birds crapping all over it which is the proper act indeed. Dictators especially like their own statues and put up as many as possible in their lifetime for who knows what will follow. Scrap metal people are very happy.
     So here can you not imagine our own little petty dictator doing some computer graphic drawings and sketches of his own statue, imagining generations of CV'ers worshipping at his feet, cherishing his memory? Yecch! So let's see if we can find reasons why such a statue is a non starter.

     We have the whole bizarre issue of the swap of buildings, the realty building for the neglected storeroom building on the road to Southampton. Attached to these buildings are properties, areas of land that go with them. Needless to say, the swap is one sided and weird but not if one takes a look into it. Basically, CV is getting screwed on it and WPRF and Mark Levy benefit. What a surprise! Quelle shock!! There are obvious figures out there that document this, but I have been hearing that other figures are forthcoming in a week or so that will shock us even further - on their monetary value, their status, their size and more. Stay tuned and as soon as confirmed and definite numbers I will write of them. In the meanwhile, this trade must not be approved by the delegates. It is a typical deal that backfires on us, just as the Millennium Agreement did and hey, speaking of that - what the hell are we doing about it, David? You are so busy trying to nail down your dictatorship here in CV during and after your lifetime that you have neglected working on preparation for the new contract or have you secretly already figured out how to double screw us with new andd worse codicils and statements.
     In the meanwhile, the Rag, the buildings, the monetary implications, the lies about their future uses, their taxes and values - all remain in the air and are being maneuvered as much as possible, with facts being hidden. The implications are serious indeed. And certainly, there are better things to be done rather than fool around with that garbage deal. My lake for example!!!
     I am given to understand that when the geotubes were put in place, a lot of the muck around the edge of the lakes and waterways was removed and dumped into the middle of the lakes and went a long way to killing the biome of them. The system was then in a serious imbalance and hence our problems and hence the ugly looks, particularly in my lake.
     We now have three shorelines - the original, the second one of wild growth and now a third one even deeper into the waterway and quite frankly it is looking more and more like a swamp than anything else. On top of that we have the lake leprosy, those ugly, disgusting and nauseating floating areas of gross looking stuff and I could care about its name or its supposed origin. All I want to know is when will it be gone. Stop the spraying already or at least do it in conjunction with some giant raking /removal process. This is just about the worst area in the Village. Perhaps I need to go further afield and contact the government's water management and safety, the health department, for surely this situation cannot be healthy for we who live on top of this and any other bureau or department that has a connection to water and health. Wake up, Eva. Wake up, David. Wake up, Don.
     And in the meanwhile we waste more money on solutions that do not work even as we pay another $14,000 for the chillers, on top of the hundreds of thousands we have already paid out for the 'repair" of this new system being put in place. Yes, WRPF should have paid as this was a capital improvement and not a repair. But the same old same old prevailed. WE spend, they own.
Finally we have a new almost seven thousand dollar expense being proposed to install a music system of some sort by the main pool. Again, who needs it. Why can we not be allowed to sit there in peace and quiet or the ability to talk with friends without raising voices over the music coming from loudspeakers or some such device. We have enough noise in daily life. Let quiet reign in at least one area and if someone wants music - wear a headset! They come in all sizes, colors, and prices. Go buy but do not inflict music on my ears.
     Back to statues. So Trump wants himself to join the presidents on Mt. Rushmore. Oy!! There was a great response to that absurd idea with a cartoon showing all these presidents covering their faces in horror at the thought. Now even as he said this, Trump said he did not say it but the fake news will report it. Huh! That is Trump, but the worst is yet to come. This only a few days after he spoke way inappropriately to the Boy Scouts, hinting at sex life on a yacht owned by a rich man and then wink, wink. Yuch!!Out of your pants, man!
     But the worst is the whole business and the lies regarding the latest horror of his - the announcement that after conferring with his generals and experts, all transgender people will be removed from and banned from the armed services So a large class of people are now to be officially discriminated against and who is next? Mormons? Jews? Bahai? All LGBTQ people? And yes, people they are and as such need to be respected for their humanity, the same as all of us.
     But the matter gets worse. Sanders, the new idiot on call, says this in answer to a question about it. "Look, sometimes I think you have to make decisions and once he made a decisions he didn't feel it was necessary to hold that decisions,"  Say what?! Tammy Duckworth and John McCain both spoke out against it, both wounded warriors and our President who has never served plays ego games with salutes. And his supposed conferees? Well, Jim Mattis was away, the Pentagon was taken totally unawares and waited to find out whether this announcement was a declaration of war on Korea! So who did he confer with? His mirror image? His supposed senior advisors? Certainly, Ivanka who recently sent a letter of support for her LGBTQ "friends" was not privy - or was she and certainly Trump, who supposedly vowed his support of them after the Orlando horror seems to have forgotten his own words. Senility? Dementia? Probably a likely excuse.
     And as to the supposed cost of transgender medical care, the money which will now go to the building of the big, beautiful transparent wall that will allow all Americans taking a stroll by there to see 60 pound bags of drugs being heaved over the top so they can get out of the way - uh huh, that one. Well, here is info on that money and a few comparisons.
"A report for the Pentagon last year found that transition-related care would cost between about $2.4 and $8.4 million per year — less than 0.14% of the military's medical budget.
That's roughly the cost of four of Trump's trips to Mar-A-Lago, even using a conservative estimate of $2 million per trip. And it's way less than the $84 million spent on Viagra and similar meds by the Department of Defense in 2014,"...
     What will now happen will be major lawsuits, major shredding of more threads of the fabric holding our country together, more insane statements and behaviors from our ostensible President. He imagines himself as a dictator, saying and doing as he wishes, purging friends and foes alike, and insanely focusing on Hillary in a manner suitable to a banana republic but not to America and not to a grown up. She is done, over and gone and his shenanigans and worse are here. And to my mind the worst question still remains - is this man a traitor, knowingly or stupidly, colluding with the enemy and why? For material purposes so as to enrich himself further? Out of ignorance? Out of incompetence? That is the question that must be answered even as this crazy dude keeps threatening to fire any and all who are investigating and talking of pardoning all - of what, if they are  so innocent?!
     Furthermore, he has now fallen even lower in approval ratings and higher in disapproval ratings in both Reuters and Gallop polls. There is not much more room beneath him at this point and I ask again - what will be in the future? He needs to go before we are at the point of no return and when he does go, indict him for all he's worth, set an example for the ages and make sure that Pence understands his proper role and duties - to the country, its people, and not the party!! Go to China for that or Russia or any other dictatorial country, but not here, not America.
       People, got to think. Got to act. Got to face the music. Got to admit our mistake. If not, so many of you will be standing begging for alms, begging for health care, begging for food, for jobs, for shelter, for anything that once you had. Amerika or America. You choose. Me, think I will donate money to the LGBTQ lawsuits that we will now have and will join the myriad numbers of lawsuits already lodged against Trump - and this is all before we prove him a traitor and colluder with our enemy. Life is exciting, ain't it!!

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