Wednesday, October 18, 2017


     Every day I hope and pray that this will have ended overnight. Every day I dream that something has happened, that spines have stiffened and the madman has gone away, into retirement, into a jail cell, wherever, but then again, I wake up and there he is. So I ask, are there no borders, no red lines that he will not cross and nothing out there that will force people to wake up and get him out of office and send a warning to those next in line that there are borders, there are red lines and they had better not be crossed.
     The first article that opened this morning was one in which Trump tells a young widow that "he knew what he signed up for, but I guess it still hurt," . Yes, the crudeness, the lack of human empathy, the coldness all demonstrate that this man is one of the coldest, most selfish people ever to walk this earth and the rest of the day's news backed up that fact.
     Next up? Well, seems that the USA is now involved in setting up concentration camps for the thousands upon thousands of illegal immigrants that they are picking up and planning to pick up. Yes, we here in America will be treated to see concentration camps in real life. Guess the camps we set up for Japanese in WWII, the concentration camps of Hitler, the more modern ones in Serbia and Croatia, all these are not enough to keep such a thing, a horror from occurring again. Nope, Trump's government is planning on setting up lots more, all privately run, to hold these "terrible" people. So what is next? Does he then set up one of his more insane committees to go down the rolls of voters and find which voter had illegal immigrants as parents and then throw that person in jail, as tainted goods? Where does this end? And where do we stop with those captured. Do we hold total control over them as we do with a poor kid who was caught, needs an abortion, the state allows it but the reps of the federal government are saying no!!
    Where does this control end? And for how long are we ceding control to corrupt and perverse individuals who go along with these horrors, with these restrictions of rights, with those appointed to Trump's committees who are found out later to have major conflicts of interest or as in today, are being arrested for child pornography!!! WE are as corrupt and immoral as any of the countries around the world who kill those who differ from them, just as bad and probably worse as we are supposed to be the leader of the world, to set an example , to prove that morality can and should be incorporated into government. That there is a heart beneath those heavy books of law. That those laws can be held up to examination and fixed where necessary, with compassion and justice.
     Now Trump is being sued by a victim of his sexual molestation and good for her! I wish her the best. Yet even more, he is now named in the collusion suit by Kaepernick's suit re collusion in the NFL, even as the owners now say they will not, NOT, penalize those who do not stand or kneel during the anthem and will contribute to some of the organizations out there that fight for equality and justice. So eat that, Mr. Trump and all bigots out there!
     Trump rides roughshod over his own aides and people, this time dragging the death of the son of Kelly into the light, a death which Kelly has never brought into public affairs, in grace and private mourning, yet this Trump rides roughshod right over him and then Kelly does not show up at a presentation with the Greek minister as he usually does, so what, is the last and final set of controls over Trump finally taken off? Has he given up and why the hell do we need to worry and talk about controls over the president? He is supposed to be an adult. I still think that the man is suffering from some form of dementia and must be checked and if so, all our sympathies, but not to serve any longer as President. Article 25 needs to be invoked and soon before he acts on the statement of the general in charge of forces over there by Korea who now says that he "thinks of the unthinkable " - nuclear bombs and missiles on American cities.
     People, this man is a disgrace to us, to all people and a danger to the Republic for which he is supposed to stand! Borders? Red lines? Already crossed and crossed again. Sickening.

Reminder : Thursday nite, 7-9 PM, Party Room, Clubhouse, Storyville CV Style.
Come share your tales.

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