Tuesday, October 17, 2017


     Why is it that when someone does not like something a politician says or does yet likes the same pol, why is there an excuse ready and waiting. "It's just politics." Oh, so that makes the act of telling a lie, cheating, misbehaving, etc. okay to be excused, written off? I hope not.
     Or we have the second excuse, used a great deal now. What is it? This: Well, so what if Trump did this or that - put in your own favorite misdeed - it is okay because someone else - put in your own choice of name - did the same thing or worse. Truly, that is not an excuse. What one does rests upon one's shoulders. Cosby is guilty of his filth, Weinstein of his, and Trump of his. It does not excuse him when Bill Clinton's reprehensible behavior is brought up. There is and should not be any tie between them other than to remind people that men, especially in positions of power over women, seemingly are incapable of fastening a zipper shut. One man's behavior does not excuse that of another.
     Trump was heard on the tape boasting - yes, boasting, of his groping of women. As far as I am concerned he, too, should be brought up on charges, thrown out of his clubs, and thrown out of the Oval Office. He is not fit to be there by any measure and even his own Republican Party agrees. But where were they when he could have been prevented? Certainly not standing on any moral principle!!
     So today we have a teacher who can scream at students on free time - not for educational purpose - to speak "American". Not sure what that is, and yes, I think all kids should be immersed in the English of their newly adopted country or the country they were born in, but that does not make it illegal to speak in another language. Should I be arrested for speaking Hebrew in a federal building? I think not and that goes for all languages as well. But hatred rears its head!
     We have lost tolerance for all but the lowest common denominator. Spencer is speaking at a college in Florida and the state goes on emergency footing. What the hell!! So he will speak his words of hate and what will be outside that room and for that matter, what will be inside? Will he or another shout the equivalent of Fire!! Why are these creeps so entitled now? Well, look to the head of the ugly beast, the man with the orange hair who proudly boasts that he and Bannon are good friends and they work together.
     Yes, this man who bumbles and mumbles lies so often that one cannot keep count goes of his destructive manner. He accuses other presidents of not contacting families of dead soldiers and why? Because, he, the uncaring fool, is too busy boasting of his tossed towels, of his imaginary accomplishments, his "hard" work, even as he appoints more liars and creeps and filthy rich old white men to office, all the better to harm the American electorate. He who insulted a Gold Star family calls someone else on something he does not do and so the families of the soldiers killed in Niger - and what the hell are we doing there! - do not get acknowledged even in a tweet!! So much for patriotism from the man who disregards tradition  when The Retreat is played, who never served because he had "flat feet" that have miraculously become unflat. But he does manage to criticize all who take a knee during the anthem, protesting for social justice and the NFL now backs a bill on reforming the justice system. Oh, and guess who opposes it - Sessions, yes, that bigot we now have as Attorney General of the country!! Politics?
     Yes, it is all politics today in our crazy country with its demented president, the one lacking in ethics, in humanity, in proper thinking, in service to his country, in telling the simple and unvarnished truth about anything! It is the fault of the Democrats, the Republicans the people in Puerto Rico, the mayor of San Juan, North Korea who now says that  it "has reached the touch-and-go point and a nuclear war may break out any moment." Just great! And obviously women are to blame for tempting their molesters. Just ask Trump et al. How people can work with this ethically challenged man is beyond me. But there are better words to explain the situation. These words are from Gregg Popovich, the head coach of Team USA, a former soldier disgusted by the remarks of Trump.
     "This man in the Oval Office is a soulless coward who thinks that he can only become large by belittling others. This has of course been a common practice of his, but to do it in this manner—and to lie about how previous Presidents responded to the deaths of soldiers—is as low as it gets. We have a pathological liar in the White House: unfit intellectually, emotionally, and psychologically to hold this office and the whole world knows it, especially those around him every day. The people who work with this President should be ashamed because they know it better than anyone just how unfit he is, and yet they choose to do nothing about it. This is their shame most of all."
     'Nuff said!

Please note that the meeting will be same place, same time - Party Room in the Clubhouse, 7-9 PM but will be called Storyville. Come join with your tale that you have to tell.

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