Sunday, January 28, 2018


     No. I have not lost my marbles. Just a musing question after reading several provocative lines. One is from Einstein and goes this way: "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one." Another states that the future is set, sure; it is the past that is always changing.
     Now think of several terms that have been made up in the past two years or so, words that have oxymoronic meanings and in fact, should not even exist. Examples? Fake news. Alternative reality (in our dimension, thank you, not a parallel universe!). Modern Newspeak where lies become truths. And from whence their derivation? Guess who?
     Seriously, does not the first line meet the basic necessities of Trumpian life? Without actually changing anything, except perceptions, reality is flipped, twisted, and becomes something other than it truly is. In fact, it appears there is no truth to be seen or heard- at least not in any permanent manner - so reality is as the people in charge make it out to be. We have seen that in the novel 1984, which, although is predated from our days, is probably truer than at any other time in our history. Yes, we had yellow journalism, but most of that was in the translation of the facts, the stress, and omissions, rather than additions or made up stories altogether. And yes, stories were made up about the criminality of some warring nations, but after WWII I think one can believe anything and indeed have seen terrible examples of this in modern days as well.
     So how do we know what is real? Is it "I think, therefore I am" that will lead the way? I do not believe so, for even the evil think, even the power hungry think, even those who would change reality think, so the question is - why the hell are we even doing any thinking? Now that does not sound right at all so there has to be another way.
     That way, I think, is to realize that hopefully, unless humankind truly goes way off the beaten path, that we will have a future. What that future will be is set from the past, influenced by past actions, past reactions, and past plans for the future. So one would think that the past is set and the future fluid. But nope. We have seen how the past is always changing according to who is in charge and their take on it. Did something really happen or did it not? What are the true details, the realities of it? But if someone said it was fake news, then how do we know it really was? How do we trust our history books which relate the past to us- but is dependent upon the needs of those for whom the books are written. Find old history books and compare them to newer versions. Yes, the same history of mankind, but a major difference according to time, place, reigning theories and straight out nerve!!!!
     So if we change the past, are we not changing that assured future? How do we know that someone else will not come along - in fact, most probably will - and change those "facts" and interpretations again? What happens to that future that once seemed so sure, so set on its path?
     Whew!!! Gets complicated and intricate. It is way above my paygrade to solve this conundrum, but hopefully someone can - and soon. I would like to know that the future, a good one, is at least on track for the next few generations and so do most people. Yet there are those far advanced thinkers who know that we must plan even further and there are those who ignore reality, find the 'fake news' aspect of it, even if imaginary, and keep on walking selfishly in the paths they have chosen and screw the world.
     So what to do? Well, the first thing is to learn to think for oneself, to discern the difference between true reality and alternative reality. We must , need to, learn that our leaders are not always to be trusted, that they do not always have our best interests at heart, but rather their own and the needs of their Party with a capital P and the country's needs come way, way back behind them.
     We need to demand much from our leaders. We need to demand better leaders. We need to demand more from ourselves. We need to remove inertia and apathy, hopelessness and shrugging it off from our dictionaries. We need to shout to the heavens re lies and lies and denials of truth from our supposed leaders. And we need to have hope.
     In his Essays, Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote the following:
     "Every sweet hath its sour;
       Every evil its good."

     We do not always understand why bad things happen but often there is good, learning, that derives from those evil occurrences and thinking. There is also the chance that too much 'goodness' is really not all that helpful and hopeful. Think of the supposed goodness from the strict movements of religion in old England or other countries, of old and modern times, where religion is the cause of war, vicious war, and has results ranging from burnings to maimings, to destruction of the very land and its population in the name of goodness.
    So we must think and choose very carefully. Choose the true truth. Choose the right path. Even if that path be more difficult than the other ones available. Sager advice I cannot give. Easier advice there is none. Life is hard work and if we truly want a good future then we must make sure the past is not so fluid and that we choose our present time actions very carefully with real good in mind and in reality. "I think, therefore I am." Maybe. Possibly. But only with freedom to think freely.
    Think about this.


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