Sometimes people disappear just when you need them. So, Robert Frost, where are you? We need your advice, your thinking on questions you posed in your poems. Which path are we to choose now in these difficult times and how do we know we still have miles to go before we sleep - or before we cross the line of no return?
You advise the reader to take the path less chosen, the one with perhaps more difficulties but also perhaps with the most value for its returns and I do not mean monetary reward either. You advice the reader that at a times there are miles to go before one can sleep, take a rest, a break, from hard labors. Now your country is truly at that point.
We here in America are at a crossroads which will determine the manner of survival of the USA as one state or another. Will we be the country, the democracy, the ever forward looking country envisioned by our Founding Fathers or will we turn into the harsh, dictatorial, humanity hating country of Trump, Sessions, Pruitt, Perdue, Bolton and the rest of the hatemongers. The choice is ours, but the time to make that choice is in a fast shrinking window. Day by day we lose another piece of our humanity. Day by day we watch the ostensible President of the country break off yet another piece of our heart as he insults and alienates our allies and makes nice-nice to our enemies, carrying out the foreign policy wishes of Putin and actually shaking hands with a mass murderer, Kim Jong-un from North Korea and showing off his crazy car to him, like the boastful infant he so truly is. And all the meanwhile, gives away the store with nothing in return and engages in his ridiculous man fights of the handshake.
This man, who demands personal and unquestioning loyalty, as do all dictators, this man who threatens the freedom of the press, who threatens to use the Justice Department to destroy his foes, this man who profits and benefits from his holdings using his position as President to funnel profits into his family's coffers, this man is sickening! Period.
Not satisfied with ripping families apart, children from mothers and fathers, babies and all, we now have a further step into what? It is so much more than nastiness. So much more. Now we are going to turn away people, mainly women and children, who are running from domestic abuse, gang threats and violence and what the hell is the matter with us? I am so ashamed of us, ashamed at this point to be an American. This is not my America, the home of the free and the brave. This is instead the home of the weak and spineless Republicans who lack morals and honesty, no moral fiber at all.
At least there are people who are fighting back. With speech and writing we are fighting back. With associations to counter Trump et al and their disgusting behavior, we are assuring our friends that this is temporary. But is it? Will we have that chance to choose another path or will that path be blocked, covered over, guarded with walls and guns and dogs? Will we be able to walk those miles before we can fall into our beds with a satisfied sigh, sure that our country is back on track?
Robert Frost, Langston Hughes, Walt Whitman, Theodore Dreiser, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Dolly Madison, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Margaret Sanger, and all the rest of the men and women who built our country on moral principles for the benefit of mankind - where are you and your spirits? Surely we need them more than ever. Choose, folks, before the choice opportunity is gone.
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