Sunday, July 29, 2018


    Unfortunately, I kid you not. The government of the United States of America, not Nazi Germany, not communist China, not Putin's Russia, not any dictatorial country, but us. Yes, US! That is the official designation for the children locked up in cages, maltreated, fed bad food, held by force from their parents, and their parents held G-d knows where, here or elsewhere in the world. Is it any wonder that even when a judge orders the government to restore these heretofore "deleted" units to be reinstated, to be  reunited, the government has no clue where hundreds of these kids and/or their parents are. Your back should have shivers of fear running down it, horror in your mind and  soul and wonder where and what else is coming down the tube from this administration.
      Several days ago I was told that by a person she would never have voted for Trump -  but he was better than Hillary - this after telling me he was there by G-d's desire - but then again, she would never have entered a country illegally. Really. And if circumstances were such that no country wanted her or hers during a time of relentless hatred and physical harm, even unto death, would she then leave and enter another country, legally or not? See, it is not only 'them', the other, who is targeted. The old saying what goes around comes around is true. This, for those who have forgotten, is exactly what happened during the time of Nazi Germany when the Jews of European countries wanted desperately to find new homes outside these countries and guess what! No room at the inn for them. Including the United States of America. And what if it were her child ripped from her arms, torn apart, not knowing how and when or where they would meet again.
     I was told that Trump was good for Israel. Really? Because he moved the embassy? Because he says he will solve the problems in the Mideast? So then tell me why the extreme right, the hatemongers, the Aryan obsessed groups, have had the nerve, the gall, the confidence to set up open shop, to hold rallies, to send  out flyers, for Pete's sake! They admit this is all since Trump for they feel he is one of them.
     We have an administration that has brought back in roaring tide, the corruption of government in our country. The cronyism, the nepotism, the greed, the corruption, the selfishness - all are back and in fashion. Get a wife a job. Pay for your vacation from federal funds. Appoint political loyalists to a little known federal group. Pay for your campaign flags to the company in China. Oh for sure, that is the way to make America great again! Not!
     Interesting story out of CV today. There is a thriving Democratic club here in the Village. It has monthly meetings and often speakers and candidates. A writer for The Rag here, supposedly the Village paper, was told to leave as he was not a member and this was a closed meeting. He eventually did, but complained basically, that this was a violation of free speech, of freedom of the press. Well, let us look into that. First, this was a  closed meeting, the same kind of meeting that UCO often holds, the same type of meeting that is held all over when there are privileges associated with belonging to a group and where the press is not allowed. When a reporter is barred from a press meeting in the White House,  not a closed meeting, then why is there a fuss when someone is barred from a closed meeting? In addition, how does the Reporter - the Rag - have the nerve to complain when they violate freedom of the press every day, in every issue, blocking people, blocking opposing opinions, holding back the truth and yet printing in every edition that they will print all sides of an issue. I deeply respect this reporter, value his friendship, but in this case, I do not believe he has a leg to stand on nor should he use freedom of the press when he represents an entity that violates it every issue it publishes.
     Our society is crumbling. Our fault lines are growing, lengthening. The dirt of past years is rising to the surface where it meets recycled violations of humanity so heavily in favor these days! I remember when I first became interested in politics, back in the Middle Ages, when I was 12, and found a hero to admire, a man who saved his crew, who wished to serve his country yet again. And yes, as an adult, I found out that he had some faults, but then again, no one is perfect. I do not ask that Trump be perfect, a Sisyphean task, but there is no heroism there, only the fault lines, the misogynism, the cowardice, the rages of the demented, the self entitled, the machinations of corruption. So what do we say to the 12 year old kids of today? Keep it up, kids, as they form their own clubs and forces, Facebook pages and groups, write letters, speak up and about and give us oldies hope for the future and for our kids and grandchildren.
    Please G-d there will be no more deleted families, certainly, not have a government that allows for this. Vote out any person who supports Trump. Vote out the ones who back him, like Brian Mast, vote for Bill Nelson and not Rick Scott who lied about his wealth - again! Vote out the hatemongers and supporters. Vote for talented women, for good men, who understand that they serve the people and not the other way around and should they forget that, then vote them out in the next cycle!
     Deleted families! I can't. I just cannot.

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