Monday, July 30, 2018


     What is in a word? We give our word to promise something. We say there is the Word from Above. Yet today, we are in an era where the word can no longer be believed, not allowed to stand for the truth and honesty and trust.
     "The President is a liar. He lies about matters of the utmost consequence....and about the most trivial. He lies about things you can see with your own eyes. He lies about things he said just moments ago. He lies the way a woodpecker attacks a tree, compulsively, insistently, instinctively. He lies until your temples throb. He lies until you want to submerge your head in a bucket of ice and pray for release."
       Nope, I did not say those words in that order or construct, but I certainly feel with them. So said a reviewer in The Book Review on Sunday for a book about the damage to truth that Trump has done and continues to do. We are now raising children who ask why they cannot lie, why they are punished for telling a lie when the President does the very same thing to the nth degree!
     I have no answer for that, nor for the other issues that are facing us right smack dab in front of us. The man whines that Cohen cannot be telling the truth because he has 'business' interests that conflict. Ha!! Pots and kettles here, folks.Who seems to have all the conflicts of interest, the emoluments violations and has appointed administration people with the same conflicts of interests? Take a guess.
     Worse even then the lies, though they are part and parcel of the building blocks of Trump's final plans, are his threats and behavior as a blossoming autocrat. He threatens to shut down government unless he gets his way. The man thinks he is five and will take away his marbles or the baseball and shut down the game unless the spoiled brat gets his way. Well, we all grow up at some time, yet this man wishes to remain a child with adult privileges and powers kind of like that Star Trek episode with someone who appeared to be a frightening destructive giant, but who turned out to be a kid who escaped his parental supervision for the moment. Almost destroyed the Enterprise and Trump is almost destroying us.
     We need to do something about it. Tempers are rising and crowds are gathering around that destroyed star of Trump in Hollywood, on both sides of the spectrum, and things are getting hot. This man has aroused division and hate. He has encouraged haters, Holocaust deniers, white supremacists, perverts, all to run for office because they now think the atmosphere is ripe for this. What has this man wrought? Nothing but trouble and hate and a cloudy future, if there is to be one at all.
     Well, let him threaten because that will simply help the Democrats in the elections in November. Other good news? Ruth Bader Ginsburg, that courageous woman, says she is hoping and planning for five more years. Yay!!!! Now if we can keep backwards thinking ultra conservatives like Kavanaugh off in the meanwhile, we have a shot of success and taking back the country, reinstating safety regulations, reinstating its heart and soul.
     In the meanwhile, we have a terrorist released from Israel under pressure from Trump, with Turkey reneging on its promise. Why did Israel release a terrorist, something it has sworn not to do any longer? Because Netanyahu is under thrall to Trump. Is this what the moving of the embassy will or has already led to? If so - bad move indeed.
     But wait, people, there is something to consider. Should it happen that we impeach Trump, or he resigns, or is removed from office due to lack of ability and capability and mental insanity, then what next? Pence, the religious zealot, a zealot of an extreme form of Christian belief, a man who is so unsure of his own willpower that he asks 'mother' for permission and for her presence if there is another woman in the picture, be it diplomatic or social needs or whatever.? So who would then rule the roost of America? "Mother"? A la Woodrow Wilson after his stroke?
     Folks, we are in a bad way indeed. Anyone got a clue as to how to proceed? Word!

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