Tuesday, July 31, 2018


     Double sided tape. Double sided mirrors. And double sided mouths. A defense that is really an offense, and a total obfuscating behavior. Yes, at times crimes are committed with extenuating circumstances, but there are other crimes and behaviors that have no such redeeming excuse, no matter how much one lies or cheats or steals or is corrupted.
     Our oh so dear Mr. President is in this exact position and he is using his go to clown, Giuliani, as the go to guy (now that his former one, Michael Cohen, is planning to skewer Trump) who makes up all sorts of statements and Neverland possibilities and offense becomes defense and  defense become truly offensive in every meaning of the word.
     The latest? First, the beginning. There was no crime. There was no collusion. No. Trump never knew of such meetings or plans. Nope, Trump is an innocent much put upon American hero. Then the changes. Trump dictated a letter with false statements so as to pull Junior's nuts out of the fire. Uh oh, Trump actually knew about the meetings so here it comes. Well, even if he did, he was not there in body so it is not a crime to have denied and lied. 
     Hmmm. What happened to RICO thinking, to accessory both before and after the fact, to conspiracy to defraud - in this case, the entire nation? And besides, collusion is not a crime and my oh my, from Nathan Hale to Mata Hari to modern day spies - here is your get out of jail free card no matter for whom you spied. Collusion to work with others to influence situations in a subterranean manner is not a crime. Aiding and abetting the enemy appears to not be a crime. Don't believe me? Well, just go ask Giuliani and he will tell you.
     From the sublime to the ridiculous. When does it stop? When do the lies stop? The man colluded with the enemy. He sat down and planned the invasion, the hijacking of the American elections so as to get elected and then add to his bottom line. But then again. Is that capitalism in the first degree, making a profit wherever one can? This man took every road and byway, every path through the swamps in order to get his way and then when caught with his pants down, almost literally, hires the mouthpieces to make excuses.
     But truths have a way of surfacing. Such a great economy we have. Not to worry, there will be no trade war and tariffs will only help us and prove our supremacy over the world. He is everyone's favorite president - so he says. And now, look at the truth.
     The layoffs have begun as the prices and cost of raw material have risen dramatically. Smaller companies, the bones of the country, cannot withstand these costs. The big corporations are too greedy to eat some of these costs as the man they elected and voted into office screws them yet again. And why not, for they increase their dividends and wait, for next year Trump is planning a tax cut openly and plainly for the rich. Screw the little guy is the answer it seems for everything!
     There are troubles in the housing market and that will lead to troubles in the construction industry and that will lead to more layoffs and waves of consequences. The spokesmen of Wall Street are beginning to sing another tune about the economy ad the dangers to it. And as the statistics catch up to real time, expect major issues and problems. The safety regulations over the huge banks have been removed, so here we go again, and no, in this case, love is not better the second time around.
     And so everything gets excused and covered up. We begin to lose our very souls. We imitate our new buddies, China and Russia, and oh, do not forget Iran for now the idiot says he will sit down with them, no preconditions and which store will he give away now. So we emulate these charming role models and drug our prisoners. Oops. My bad. No. Not psychotic adults but migrant children who are such a threat to our security that they are give psychotropic medicines or actually drugs, since there is no medicinal purpose for it! We are drugging children without parental or anyone's permission. Perhaps these are kids who will not stop crying or demand to see their parents. What nerve, right!!!
       Or we tar and feather our sports people because they either refuse to go to the White House or demand the  right of freedom of speech and protest peacefully how they choose. They are threatened and now the NFL has come up with the best, the absolute best to shut them down. Yup. Just get rid of the helmets!! No protection for the head so the players will suffer more brain damage much earlier, will thrill the fans looking for excitement - like who will get bashed in the head with no protection - and then will have to shut down protests because they will be unable to think and communicate. Great thinking, folks, Just great.
     So no, no crimes, but even if there were, they were not crimes. Just ask Giuliani. Just ask his master, Trump. And all the rest of the liars and I sincerely hope that soon enough they all get what is coming to them and perhaps we will need to build another prison to hold all of them, all those who colluded with the main traitor and covered his every misstep. The damage they have done to us, to people, to children, to the economy, to every aspect of life in these United States cannot be calculated. Time to chase them out of town. Time to truly drain the swamp in the upcoming elections and via the courts. Do not let those who deal with the devil keep the upper hand. Now where are those two cute and bold brothers from Supernatural? They could handle this just right.

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