Wednesday, August 1, 2018


          Remember the advertisement? Poor Mikey. Either he was always getting blamed for something or strange foods were shoved at him and he was the assigned food taster. Poor Mikey. Well. I think Mikey is back, at least in other forms and we need to watch out for him.
     It appears that we live in a weird world where allies and friends are indistinguishable from enemies. Toddler tantrums by adults lead to crazy actions like the destruction of millions of dollars worth of cars by the already crazed Duterte, Trump's buddy. We find out that more lobbyists have been working for foreign governments without registering. And we wonder. Since when did it become okay to sell out your country? Since when was patriotism a word to throw around even as the enemy slipped you big bucks behind the back? When did all idealism, the last bitty shreds of it, get thrown out the window? Since when did that become okay?! Was it Mikey?
     And lest one think that most of us are immune to this strange behavior, perhaps a virus? just read on. Thousands of misguided perhaps temporarily insane people in Florida (hmmm) roared when the mentally deranged man known as President Trump, much to our detriment,  shouted how one needs an ID card with picture ID on it if one even wants to go shopping for groceries. What? Say what? What is the man talking about?
     He uses this to bolster his planned border changes, people chasing, and planned changes for need for identification. I railed about this months ago, wondering when it would be that we would hear "papieren, bitte" - papers please - right here in the old country! Our country. The country we have almost succeeded in allowing Trump to sell off and sell out.
     When I go out, perhaps to shop - yes, even grocery shop, Donald -or to take a walk or do whatever, I take nothing with me, other than some money perhaps and my driver's license if I am to take the car. If not, then no ID whatsoever. Foolish maybe, but I love the freedom of my country where I will not be harassed for papers wherever I go. And yet, this imbecile, this deranged man , wishes to force this upon us, to have our identities checked 24/7/365 and 366 in leap years!
     And if that were not enough, now we have the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Services, such a mouthful for a department that prosecutes the helpless, the frightened, the hopeful and the tiny, the children, all the better to shoot drugs into I guess! Anyway, she declared forcefully that they KNOW it was the Russians who interfered with the 2016 elections and they were after them gung ho. Uh huh. Believe that? Not that it was the Russians for of course it was, we all know that, but why would these people go after those who were the very ones that made him win the election on electoral votes? It would be like shooting oneself in the foot or mouth. And in the meanwhile, Trump rants on how the Chinese were "targeting" our farmers, but I think not. Trump targeted our farmers with his insane tariffs. But in this Bizzaro world of ours lies are the truth.
     And the weirdness continues in all other spheres as we simply cannot take the stress and the insanity and the fear of and for the future. Ukraine, Crimea, Russia, Malaysia, China, Iran, Iraq, the Mideast, Southeast Asia, Africa, Boko Haram, ISIS, global warning, a summer of scorching temps and mammoth fires, death by heat, fools who deny climate change even as we burn, and more locally, we have Alex Jones who dares to tell parents of children of Sandy Hook that it was all a fake they engineered. We have kids killing themselves, damaging themselves for life as they do crazy dance moves to a song, and children still being rejected by parents because they are gay. Seriously? Is the love one is supposed to have for a child so weak and tenuous that it can be tossed away with the trash?
     And how to deal with countries that Trump caters to, giving away the store, making no demands, making up fairy tale accomplishments even as they continue to build their nuclear capabilities. Mikey again?
     Wish I had the answers, I really do. But at least I am continuing to ask the questions as are more and more people. Perhaps that will help and if not, calling Mikey, calling Mikey. We need you, we really do.

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