Thursday, August 2, 2018


     Well, perhaps there is some light at the end of the tunnel. Could it be - and how wonderful that would be - if it were Trump's own braggadocio tongue that got him into trouble, lasting trouble! Digging his own political and possibly criminal grave, so to speak, with his own stupid mouth, the one that keeps ranting and raving, telling lies with the best of them, and inciting hatred and disgusting behavior.
     He says he wants to meet in person with Mueller even as his lawyers go nuts at this possibility for they know his mouth and his feet and how they mesh or do not, as the case may be. Yet this man thinks he can outtalk the world and so yes, let us meet, let me answer some in writing but then later in personal followup. Oh yeah! Could it be? Will it be? Who will prevail? Tune in  every half hour or so and see where the mouth is at now.
     Whatever it is, something needs to be done, to be finalized before we turn this country into something it was never meant to be - a hate filled country of deep divides, of growing prejudice and hatred, a return to past behaviorisms that we thought has been devalued forever, a country in the midst of economic ills fostered by ruinous policies, a country wrapped in gray air and poisoned water, with no parks, no free land for the nation, for they had been given to the big mining corporations, a country where unions were banned, and workers' rights and safety precautions were neutralized or worse.
     We are teetering on the brink of becoming a country like that of Putin where now it is uncovered that over 2 million people had been banned from travel. It will be a North Korea whose leader gets thanked!!!! by Trump, a country racked by a tariff war of unprecedented rates as the madman Trump  more than doubles the tariffs on China, thus insuring pure and unadulterated catastrophe for our farmers. It will be a country where the rich do not pay taxes, like the England of old where the noblemen did not pay and funds were raised on the backs of the poor. It is already in the working stages right here, right now.
     And we now are a country where calling the cops on anyone you do not like is seemingly okay. A woman is distributing food to the homeless, known for doing it, and the cops are called on her with a lie about shoplifting - never even entering the store. A 13 year old boy riding on a possibly stolen golf cart is tortured, placed in a freezing car with wet clothing, hoping to freeze him into answering questions posed to him. Immigrants are mistreated in working situations, and children! are treated as bad, bad grownups - frozen out, denied proper and sufficient food, and portrayed to be in a 'summer camp' according to a top official of Border Control. What have we become? What have we done?
     But wait. There is that light at the end of that tunnel, lit by the very mouth of the chief instigator, the president turncoat who colludes with the enemy, the selfish megalomaniac who mouths platitudes of hatred and prejudice, who tells a lie sooner than taking a breath. His own mouth, his own words will dim his light even as ours grow brighter. Oh yeah, uh huh, uh huh, I like it. I really do. Now we just need to hang in there.

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