Friday, August 3, 2018


     From the beginning of time people have placed hazard warnings wherever possible. There were warnings about falling off the face of the earth, to watch out for monsters, for dangerous roads, all the way to deer crossings, icy roads, ess curves, construction closings, etc. So the question is raised, why are there no hazard warnings placed around the White House? Why are there no warnings about the crookedness of the administration and its workers, of the hatred that has grown like dangerous black mold over the entire nation? And worse, and I include myself in this category, do we continue to laugh at the moronic antics of that man even as we know how dangerous he is and how much harm he has caused, how many lies he has told, how much future harm and lies will be forthcoming. Why do we laugh? I think it is that if we do not laugh, we will spend the whole day crying over the disaster that America has become.
     Yesterday, an essay in the NY Times spoke about the divisions of friends and family over this man and his cohorts. It tried to give advice, but when one knows deep down how this current situation is affecting our very foundations, then it is hard to skip over. Why cannot people hear or see the truth? Why are people thinking they can indulge their hatred and baser values and get away with it? Why are people telling lies left and right? Why are we forsaking the Constitution and its guaranteed freedom of speech, shouting at people who exercise that right in non violent manner,  yet attacking journalists not only verbally, but physically - right here in the good old United States, not a Moslem country, or an African republic, but here, in our country.
     We have people who cheer a liar. We have idiots who wear a red hat thinking this will help the situation. But, they are entitled to wear it as long as they tolerate the rights of others. We have the subordinates who willingly prostrate themselves in front of and for that man. Why and how have they forgotten their own individual dignity and responsibility. The accessories, those who abet, are just as guilty of the sins and the evil.
     And yes, evil it is. What else can prejudice be? What else can hatred of the other be? What else can we call mistreatment of children, be it Syria or here! For how long can we tolerate these lies, these statements of hatred, these belligerent comments and plans? Our businesses are being ruined by these insane tariffs, from blue jeans to cars and metal products. Our prestige is below the sub-basement in the eyes of the world. We have people who take pride in nasty behavior, who think nothing of harming and torturing innocents. We have the cracks of the nation growing deeper and deeper and I wonder, when will we reach the time when the abyss is unplumbable - or have we already reached that point.
     Physically, we are destroying our planet and guess what? There is nowhere for anyone to go. The land is burning. The land is flooded. The land is drought ridden. The temperatures are killing people. The weather is extreme in its behavior and manifestations. But yet, there are those who maintain that it is all a lie, no climate change, no harm to the environment. But blindfolds work only for a time. Eventually the light seeps in - or the darkness.
     So yes, I know I will continue to laugh at the moron. I will continue to worry about what he is doing, what he has done, to us. I will be anxious about the future - and the present. And I will continue to try to post as many warning signs as I can - and will try not to say "I told you so" when it all comes to a head, a dangerous one. Danger ahead. Here Be Dragons! Here Be Monsters!

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