Sunday, August 5, 2018


     …..there was a country that stood out among the nations. It held out a torch to the world, lighting up the sky, allowing hope for liberty, for the future to shine through. Today, the torch is dark, as are the hopes of the world. It is up to you, the children, to whom this tale is told, to try to relight it once more, to bring hope and liberty back. We, the adults, have lost our way.
     Would that not be a sad and frightening vision of the future, a fall of Rome in the guise of the fall of the United States of America, the beacon of hope for the world. And no, it could continue in name, but will it, or will it go even further and split into sections of the former whole, separate nations that remain from a once proud unified one?
     The question to answer, to actually, first ask, would be why? Why did this happen? Who allowed it? Did no one pay attention to the warning signs? Were they deliberately overlooked, or could people simply not believe them? Was it because people stopped talking to each other, tired of the anger and the tension and thus allowed room for those who maintained their goal of turning this country into a dictatorship, a fractured image of what used to be?
     Dark rumors of doings in the White House. Was it true that the madman ranted and raved, brooded over the supposed disrespect he was receiving? Was it the fact that he could not control his wife, who managed at times to upset the applecart and get a message through? Was her message that she does not care really about how she could care less about her husband and his twisted schemes? Was it the time she praised a man whom The Donald has just trashed? Whatever happened to her? Only the shadow knows!
     Did no one recognize the signs of a deranged mentality, the loss of a coherent mind? The man was prone to temper tantrums, to demands that he be honored and loved, whether he deserved it or not. He vowed to 'destroy' all those Republicans who opposed him, so much so that the Republican Party morphed totally into a fascist party, known for its hatred and hate mongering. So much for its proud tradition and so much for the values of Lincoln.
     Did we not take note of the fact that he was always going off to his commercial enterprises, neglecting the work demanded of him in fulfilling his responsibilities as President? Did we not notice when he openly said that basically during the last two months prior to election that he would be electioneering, campaigning only. ONLY!! To hell with the country, it seemed.
     Did we not see the first signs of civil war, of fighting in the streets, of Americans forgetting who they were, who they are supposed to be? The extreme right started it off with hate filled rallies, bringing weapons to their demonstrations and rallies, carrying Nazi flags, and the anti fas apparently were the only group to take them on. The rest of us spoke against violence, yet who listened other than those who falsely hoped in foolish wishes? The plethora of assault weapons were pulled from the closets and the basements and the warehouses. The gun stores sold out and war began in earnest.
     There was a moment in time when we could have saved the country, when it was so obvious that he was mentally ill, incapable at the best of times to run a country. When it was obvious that his own administration was running along fracture lines. When the shouts of hate, the mistreatment of children, the cold uncaring statements of those in charge, rang in the air.
     There was that moment, when the full force of the law could have been applied, when the representatives of the people could have remembered who they really were supposed to be, when the heart and soul of the country were aware of the mortal pain they were suffering. But the moment was missed and hence today.
     So go now, children, leave quietly, no talking, and  remember the story, the stories of the past, and what once was. It can be again - if you will take it upon your shoulders to keep the dream alive and make it true and real again. Once...……
      Fairy tale? Absurd story? Truth to tell? Which is the future we wish to see and leave to our children? Do we have the courage of our forefathers who took on the mightiest empire of the time? Do we ? Do we?


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