Monday, July 23, 2018


     We are living a song, are we not? Dizzy is what we are. From one hour to the next we are bombarded by statements that swing from one end of the spectrum to another. We are so crazed with the craziness of it all that we forget common decency too much of the time.
     We seem to have forgotten that children are the innocents in the game here. We are not supposed to make war on them, but I think all those pictures of kids , dead or wounded, in the horrific battle scarred countries, seeing kids pushed into becoming child soldiers, sex slaves, work slaves, scrounger for supplies for families, carrying out the demands of the adults who are supposed to be taking care of them, all these pictures have twisted our minds. While minor, the video of two adults conniving together to steal a baseball in a stadium from a little boy waiting for it to fall into his glove is just symptomatic of how low we have fallen and how mean we have become.
     And yet there are the times that we show that we still have some goodness left within us. The duck boat tragedy is one and why they are still allowed is another issue. Since the Boston tragedy years ago, we have known they are unstable, go down like a lead sinker and people are entangled to their death in canopies, while lifejackets go unused. And yet this tragedy brought outpourings of sympathy and help but why does it take a tragedy to do this?
     One can get dizzy from the garbage of life and speaking of garbage, did you see the wave of garbage near Dominica? What are we doing to our home, our planet? Why do we not tackle these major issues instead of creating other issues? Have we gone so far as to be beyond the tipping point, the point of no return? I am afraid to answer that question, I am that dizzy!
     Here is a dizzy episode that might get a laugh. On David's proprietary blog masquerading as an open blog for the Village, one of his sycophants writes purple prose of how wonderful the blog is, that we can write on it and how wonderful Ed is as well. Uh huh. Couple of problems though. One, we are NOT allowed to write on that blog unless we practically sign an oath in blood that we love David, that he is G-d's gift to CV, that we will only praise him and his minions. And as far as Ed is concerned, how many more systems are we going to run through before we finally get one that works for more than a few years?!How many more yards and yards of fencing will we discover as finally we cut back the jungles leaning on the fences, hiding the damage, the holes, the easy climbs?
     We have returned to the years of the past and no, not the times of the heroics of the Lone Ranger, but to the nastiness of deep and dark prejudice. Why are we forever calling the cops on black people who are doing such nasty things as going in and out of a house they rented, or opening their own business, or sleeping in a school lounge, or gasp! even running a lemonade stand at the advanced age of 7 and without a permit!! Guess we were all criminals in our childhood as we all, at one time or another, held our little lemonade sales, or chestnut sales, or toy sales on the stoops of our homes. We need to stop this! Now! It is time.
     We need to face the truth that our new policies on immigration and trade are making our economy dizzy and the more it spins the harder will be the fall. We have turned on our allies, opened our arms to our enemies, lost 365, 000 jobs already due to the tariffs and more to come. Farmers are beginning to realize what they voted for in 2016 and G-d help us, I hope we last till 2020 if that man remains at the helm he has so disrespected already.
     "Dizzy, my head is spinning...." As are the heads of all of us. What makes me even dizzier is that with all the reveals coming out and down the tubes, with the truth of the lack of character, shall we say, of a President though not mine! What with the true memos being revealed. With the obvious deranged behavior, the lack of stability so common with brain degenerative diseases. So why is this man still in office? Why does Putin make it clear that he has made demands on Trump in that secret meeting and that he expects them to be kept? Why does North Korea now demand that the US make some sort of important concession before they do a damn thing about their nuclearization? Why does Rouhani feel free to threaten us?
     Why? Because we are all so dizzy with the out of control spin of our government, of the attacks on its principles, attacks on the free press, the loss of civility and the forgetting that we are supposed to be one nation, not just political parties. That the Republican Party now accept the fact that their almost criminal negligence and cowardice make them complicit in the damage this man has wrought, with their enabling of this.
     We need to take this man, the Republicans who have no spine, the crude alt righters and their godawful nastiness,  take them all down and out of this awful game of life for they have made it a game of chicken in a most deadly manner and degree. Are we not dizzy enough already? Are you? And are we ready to confess the mess we have made, never mind your fake pride and embarrassment at having voted for this creep of all time.
     I am tired of the dizziness of life as it is today. So tired. We need to grasp the railings, hold onto the walls and get ourselves steady once again. Soon. No, now! So vote, VOTE, VOTE!!


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