Tuesday, July 24, 2018


     There is such division here in the country that I am beginning to doubt it will ever be healed and sealed. Democrat from Republican. Conservative Republican from moderate (if there remains such a thing). Socialist Democrat from Party regular. Men and women. Colors of the nation in disunion rather than living as Americans all. And plain facts from played "facts" or ignored facts.
     So our oh so brilliant demented President has instituted his tariff war on the world, inflicting his playground mentality of "I'll get you" determining his actions. Jobs, present and future, have already been affected as companies struggle to handle the growing shortage of steel and the rising cost of it. Big companies are hoarding the material and little companies are struggling to get the material. Even huge companies like Whirlpool are suffering so what the hell!And yet, somehow, these same blue collar workers are saying that the tariff is right. I do not understand what and where and how they are thinking when the economy was still going strong, building up since 2008 and unemployment was dropping. What will it take to show them the errors of their ways? Will it be when they lose their jobs and there is no safety net to help them put food on the table, pay the rent or mortgage, pay the doctors?
     We have hate running rampant through the veins of America and Americans. We have war declared on children, on their parents for daring to dream and attempt to improve their lives. I am not against regulations, but there has to be  line drawn to separate the allowed from the unthinkable. And let us be honest here. This is not a war on illegal immigration. This is a war directed at people with strange names that do not roll off the tongue easily for us. It is against people of a darker skin tone. Else why are we now targeting LEGAL immigrants, some already citizens? What the hell is happening here?
     The hate pervades our very lives, our daily hours. See, the hatred does not stop at a boundary line. Instead it seems to ooze ever onwards in an environment seemingly friendly to it. Now we have a new category of mass killers, the misogynistic killer who targets women. So what now? Do we arm all women? Do we walk around, all of us with holstered six shooters? Seriously, what have we come to? Why have we allowed it to reach this point?
     And if that is not enough, we now have the alt right planning more rallies in August under the guise of 'white civil rights' to be held in Charlottesville and DC. 'Unite the Right' they are calling it and doesn't that just warm the cockles of your heart!
     In the meanwhile we have a message going around that portrays various political figures meeting with Putin and how that was okay, but not Trump with Putin, with the poor, put upon man being called a traitor. Really? Well, how about all these other people did not praise him to the skies. Did not meet in secret with him with no witnesses. Did not trash his own country as compared to Russia. Did not call our enemy our 'friend'. Really and truly, can we get real here? 
     I simply do not get why otherwise intelligent people with active minds look away from the facts, from the truth, from the moral filth of this man, from his oh so apparent incapability, his incompetence and the affects of his mental deterioration on all he does and says. Why can they not see the spin he uses, the Big Lie technique he uses. The neighborhood of his buddies round the world. The nastiness of his mouth and the absence of a soul. The cowardice and complicity of a morally weak and spineless Republican party.
     Russia is our friend, oh yes, even as they build one of the worst nuclear weapons ever, specifically aimed to defeat America's defenses, even as Russia and China collude together against American positions in Asia. With such friends.....
     We ignore the ever growing problem of climate change even as this administration turns back the clock on protective legislation. So we are burning up and flooding and facing destructive and ever more frequent and powerful storms and tornadoes. We have drought and lack of snowfall in the mountains. We have fires in Sweden! In the Arctic! We have the growing desertification of the world. 
     And this man has the gall, the utter nerve, to say that his opponents have monetized their knowledge and opinions?! Shall we check all his Secretaries who have had to resign after slurping at the public trough, dined on the taxpayer's dollars, flown at cost to us, and we can go on. We have a President who is both petty and universal in his hatred and stupidity and  cupidity.
     So no, I do not understand how people can go along in their own destruction, how they can willfully look past the truth into a world of fantasy where this man will solve all their problems, even as he steals their healthcare, their food stamps, their safety net, the schools for the kids and all else that is important in life. 
       Where and how did we get to this point where the man is both a laughingstock to his constituents and to the world and yet, one of the most destructive people ever as his destruction will long echo into the future- if we remain with one. I simply do not understand And I do not understand how we are to get out of this mess.

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