Wednesday, July 25, 2018


    Folks, it has to be said. Everyone has been edging around it, circling the truth and the statement that must be made, yet afraid to come out and say it openly and definitively. Yet it must be said and action must be taken.
     The man is insane. Period.
    Never mind the fact that we have allowed for degenerative disease. Never mind the fact that we have assigned it to personality disorders or even quirks, you should pardon the expression. It does not matter the cause, only the result and what we have now is the inmate running the asylum and we, the peoples of the world, are suffering greatly with no end in sight.
     What exactly is the cause or are the causes of this insanity. It almost does not really matter. All that matters is the harm that he is doing, to us and to the world and better believe it - we are tied together with the world and our fates are intertwined. We can no longer allow this insane person to write the script for that future.
     He has the classical symptoms of megalomania, ranting and raving, be it in private or public, makes demands worthy of a dictator, which he would love to be, and cannot make one stable decision or recognize an honest person as he has chosen and continues to choose corrupt and morally weak people, mean people, uncaring and stiff people, to positions that could endanger all the progress we have made in this country for decades to come.
     Never one for great moral values or human decency, he gone over the top with his statements, comparing people to vermin, infestations, using foul language to describe women and his attitude and behavior with and towards them. He has approved the rending of families. He has encouraged nepotism within our government. He has threatened the free press here in our country, a right we have won even before the American Revolution. Why would we allow it to be stripped from us now?
     It is not a pretty sight to see the President raving madly about the fact that CNN was being watched by Melania on Air Force One. It is not a pleasant thing to hear as he plots and plans to bribe and payoff people in re his sexual peccadillos, if we can call them that. It is a terrible
thing to realize that our President has no morality, not one stitch, within his blackened mind and heart.
     He has brought the global economy almost to a perilous standstill with his tariff and trade war and now wants to keep the votes of his farmers being ruined by this by giving them welfare and yes, that is what it is and it should never have come to this. He brought this situation upon us and it can be fixed if we stop this trade war and tariffs dead in their tracks. Now to further the growing debt we have, the debt that arises from his welfare for the rich in his tax cut plans, we are to add to it a debt that had no need to ever exist. 
     The man has no middle, no balance, tells people to ignore what is in front of their eyes, in clear hearing of their ears - the truth and what is worse is that he can actually get more people to buy into this dangerous garbage and we see a Brave New World, a world of 1984, a world of Animal Farm, growing right in front of us and around us and behind us. The man has no respect for history, for anyone other than himself. He is a very sick megalomaniac and it is scary that he is running this place.
     Our Constitution makes it very clear that if a President is incapable of running the government, of fulfilling those responsibilities, then he can be removed for cause. But will it be invoked? With a Republican Party in power and control, a Party of people with no moral balance, a Party that has forgotten that they are Americans first? I doubt it. I am afraid so and put a stress on that afraid.
     The man is insane. His followers are buying into that insanity. And the newest inmates of that asylum will be those of us who see the truth, who know the truth, who speak the truth. Be careful, people, be very careful. Read the news and see the truth. There is no conspiracy of the media other than Fox News to hide the truth. There is no conspiracy when all these fools bare their inner souls on Sasha Baron Cohen's program. Their dirty souls come out thanks to themselves.
    We must accept responsibility for this situation and demand that others take that upon themselves as well. The man is insane. The man is insane. Open eyes and ears, see the Emperor is naked and so are we at this point. The man is insane.

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