Sunday, July 8, 2018


     You are wondering - has she lost her mind? Well, not yet, thank G-d, but there are people in this administration and in this country who apparently have and hence the title. We are waging war against infants who cannot speak, who must be carried in and placed on an adult's lap, children whose legs do not even reach the end of the seat of the chair, kids who speak Spanish only, are too young to even understand what the heck is going on as they sit there without a lawyer as a judge - misnomer there - asks them questions. All these kids know is that their mammi or pappi is missing and they want them back.
     So we continue the war against the helpless, against the hopeless and the hopeful, legal or not. We spend our resources on gathering up dangerous 'criminals' like the small business owner, the landscape guy, the migrant pickers who help bring our food to market, to women, allowing the President to take a gleeful and nasty joy in insulting them, from the #MeToo movement to Maxine Waters. We expend our ration of brotherly love on the North Koreans who call us gangsters, to Putin, who wages war all over the globe, to Duterte, who kills people in the name of anti drug warfare, and progressively seal off the United States from its allies and trading partners.
     We wage war on our allies. Canada, Britain, France, Mexico, Germany and forget the smaller new allies and members of NATO who are under siege and allow countries growing in fanaticism, be it towards Islam and religious governmental control, such as Turkey or countries that are rolling at warp speed towards dictatorship, right wing hatred, such as Poland, Hungary and just take your pick of more and more.
     So, is war, this new type of war, the done thing, the newest fad, a hot trend? Should we just hang in there and wait to see how long it lasts? Will it be a Chia pet length or a hula hoops trend which is still going strong? And how about our African American citizens who are having the police called on them for daring to swim in a pool in their complex, or barbecue or do any number of such 'dangerous' actions.
     Well goo goo ga ga, but I am just as confused as these poor kids and their bereaved parents, shorn of their children by a heartless government and the people they find who willingly!!! rip kids away, place them in cages, ship them around more than a lost FedEx package and try to hide the highly visible facts that they have lost the connection between parent and child in many a case. This is indefensible, unacceptable and must be worthy of some criminal charges and start at the top - Trump - for he is the instigator and the chief hatred promulgator.
     We, the country, today, are overwhelmed by hatred. We are overwhelmed by fear ginned up by those who wish to gain and retain power any which way. Over the weekend I read an excellent thought provoking book, The Real Michael Swann, by Bryan Reardon, who also wrote Finding Jake. I will not tell you the plot or twists lest I ruin the book for you, but there are terrible things going on in our country and at the end, after all this horror has taken place, Julia Swann, the wife of Michael, speaks and here is part of what she says.
     "....Is there a lesson to all this?...All I can do is tell you what I have learned. Tell you how I vowed to change. I vowed to never vote for a leader who preys on my fears. To stop watching programs that sell drama in the guise of news. Alone, my choices may be in vain. Alone, I am sure I won't make a difference. But if enough people see it. If enough people notice. And if they all take a stand. If we all stand together, maybe then, things might change."
     Folks, there is no goo goo ga ga about this. When freedom of speech is deemed only for one side wherein they can insult and ban and badmouth, while any on their side should be exempt from all verbal challenges, then we are living in a country alien to the United States and allowing the fear and the preying of monsters upon us. No, not out of place dinosaurs - though perhaps human ones, and not zombies, though many appear to have lost their power of thinking and act as zombies, but the real live human monsters we have allowed to overtake the country, the heartless and the soulless, the unthinking and the fear crazed, the undiscriminating  thinker and the biased hate filled and hateful purveyors of sheer awfulness.
     We would be a whole lot better off if we waged war against climate change, against those in the government who would use that government as a means of enriching themselves and their buddies, in retraining obsolescent workers, in caring for the ill, for the hungry, the poor, the elderly and the young, the challenged middle class.
     Goo Goo Ga Ga. Which. Way. Do. We. Choose? The. Future. Is. At. Stake. The. Present As. Well.

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