Friday, July 6, 2018


   Remember Jack Webb in Dragnet, where as an investigator of a crime he would ask for  "just the facts"? So today I decided to be a Jack Webb investigator and write just the facts, (mostly) no commentary until the end. Read the list below and I bet you can understand the problem.
     1. Trump makes fun of #MeToo program.
     2. Trump has been accused of sexual harassment, made payoffs and is now in the midst of litigation in this area.
     3. Trump has now hired disgraced Fox exec, Bill Shine, fired from Fox due to cover ups of sexual harassment cases.
    4. Pruitt ,the subject of 14 - 14! - cases of ethics violations and perhaps criminal cases as well, and Trump waxes foamy at the mouth about how good he is. And how sad he is to see him go.
     5. Pruitt says that G-d wanted him to serve a man that G-d's providence had made president. What is with the use of G-d as their excuse?
     6.Trump persecutes media people for criticizing him, threatens free press, calling it the "enemy of the people".
     7. Trump orders separation of child from parent and manages to lose some along the way on their way to being warehoused and jailed - the children, that is!
     8. Trump orders DNA tests on all children and parents to make sure , he says, that the right kid goes to the right parent and not be trafficked!!! The DNA is taken without permission and without clear guidelines as to what will happen with it in the future.
     9. Trump attacks one of the very principles of our country - due process.
    10. The armed forces are dismissing immigrant recruits for no reason other than they are immigrants and this is a path to citizenship, long a tradition. Tsk, tsk, cannot have that!
     11.Trump starts a tariff war and endangers the economy of the country and the world.
     12. Trump shifts on a dime - yes, punish ZTE, the Chinese company, but no, let's give them breaks.
     13. Trump plans a summit with Putin, claims to have prepared for this his whole life - and the press refuses to 'admit' that "fact".
     13. The summit plans are opaque, unknown and undisclosed to the people.
     14. Trump messed up with North Korea as there was nothing in writing, nuclear advances and work continues there in the open, no bodies were returned, though Trump claimed they were, and we are worse off than ever with this situation.
     15.There is a labor shortage in the country due to demographic issues and we need the labor of the immigrants, but "they are taking away jobs of Americans" or so he says!
     16. Has his picture taken with guns, or put on a commemorative item by Junior! Guess where NRA stands on him.
     17. Has alienated allies to a drastic degree.
     18. Has isolated America from the rest of the world in increasing degrees.
     19 - 26. Lies and lies and lies and lies and lies...…… and more lies.....
     27. Jeers openly and publicly at opponents, uses personal insults and threats, particularly at women. Those that oppose him, that is.
     28. Offers belated "thoughts and prayers" after massacres and does nothing - other than perhaps to lower the flag, and that under protest after the journalist massacre!
     29. Suspected of collusion with Russia in his campaign and election.
     30. Suspected of the misuse of charitable funds to pay down his own fees and costs, including civil damages.
     31. Has, with his deregulations policy, endangered the American people, the air they breathe, the water they drink, the land they walk upon, the country's heritage, the safety from chemical disasters and is pushing for more, along with the disastrous bank deregulations.
     32. Admires and hobnobs with the dictators of the world.
     33. Suggested in a serious manner that we invade Venezuela!
     34. Tax returns?
     35. Transparent information re his physical and mental health?
      Enough? We can go for more, but I am tired and will try to get some more sleep. It is difficult, knowing that that man is heading the country, a disgrace to all and a danger to all. If it is left to him, we would be a dictatorship within the next year, and surely it would all be cemented as we had a dubious election in 2020 where who knows, perhaps he gets 'elected' as President for Life, just like the dictators and governmental murderers he admires. 
     There is not one redeeming factor about this man. Even if he did or does something good, or makes  a statement, he withdraws it or changes it in the next minute or hour or day. He is simply not stable, not capable, and has the ethics and morals of a polecat! Not bye, bye Birdy, but bye, bye Trump. Make this election count. Vote at the primaries. Vote in November. Protest. Protest. Protest. Support the women who are fighting back, running for office. Support the Democratic Party as the Republicans seem to have seriously lost their way. Make your vote count. We cannot continue as a country like this, certainly not the America we are supposed to be, for what we stand for. Now go back and read the items again and ask yourself how some can be so deluded, so blind, so denying of the truth - and why and for what?              

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