Sunday, July 15, 2018


     Circles and more circles. Round and round we go with no end in sight - or so we think. Yet I am getting the feeling that there is an end coming but which end will it be? That is the question.
      Listen to the protests of Trump. More importantly, read the writing beneath the words and take hope. Why is Trump getting so uptight now, shouting his ridiculous fake news bit, trying actively to shut down free press and exchange of ideas, and facing more and more active protests against not his country so much but rather against him as a person, as a despicable human being who has no place within the body politic?
     He has disgusted the world what with his constant golf rounds in the middle of crises that he himself has brought about, with his compadres trying to shut down protests by submitting a bill against anti - fas, but not against KKK, Aryan Brotherhood or similar organizations, his overwhelming hubris and his functional illiteracy, which should not be a component of a President!
     He praises himself, telling all and sundry that he is doing a great job and how does he know this? Why because he tells himself so. Of the mentally ill and deranged category, he demands worship of himself, adoration even and the sickness of other dictators and their bloody insecurities is present within him. 
     He and his administration cannot seem to get together and agree on any policy and the world leaders say that he is not a stable leader. Duh on that! And yet, there is much to fear from this seeming incompetent as he goes bumbling around the world, embarrassing every American and leaving turmoil behind. He uses lies as a matter of policy and causes distrust amongst all.
     Prices have risen already. Jobs have been lost already. Regulations that provide for a better and safer country and globe have been dismantled. Children have become the soldiers on the front line, held and denied to parents, and we need to examine our souls that we have people within law enforcement willing to wage that war.
     We have a President who makes love to the dictators of the world, promises them the world, and asks for nothing in return, other than what more he can give up for them. No return of bodies. No denuclearization. No military exercises. Splits in traditional alliances.
     And yet, and yet, loop de loo. We are going around, and yes, even in circles, but sometimes circles are good things. When trying to zero in on an important point, to emphasize it, it is often begun with a huge and encompassing circle, the better to gather more within it and not lose a single thing. The circle gets drawn tighter and tighter and the cheese in the middle of that 'farmer's field' begins to stink ever more. 
     Well, Trump is that stinking cheese and the rats have deserted in many cases as the circle draws tighter. It is good to have power, one thinks, but not at the cost of possible jail and worse. Trump is getting ever more frantic within his field. It gets tighter and tighter and closer and closer to pointing out with a red pen that he is no innocent babe in the woods here, that he allegedly had nefarious purpose in mind when running for President of our country, that he allegedly colluded with our enemies, has illegally enriched himself, as have others of his administration from Secretaries to his own family members. He is panicking, protesting, and does not like this state of affairs.
     What we must do is watch that as the circle gets closer, as the loops get tighter and tighter, that he does not go for broke and try to shut down the democracy known as the United States of America. Think he is incapable of this? Think again. Think of the damage he has already done Think on his statements. Think of the outrages he has perpetrated upon us, upon the allies, upon the world.
     Worried? You should be. Strong words. Yes, they are, for that is what the situation demands. The quicker we impeach this man, the more we deny him, as in his disastrous Supreme Court choice, the sooner we can get some Republicans to find their moral spines again, the quicker we can get back to restoring our government to what it should be and the better a lesson learned for those who come after.
     America the strong. America the beautiful. Within and without. America the proud and the free. America the role model for other countries. America that welcomes immigrants. America that restores its social safety net and stops this ridiculous statement and accusation that immigrants are taking services denied to 'Americans". No, they are not. And did you know that immigrants pay taxes. Did you know they set up businesses and hire others, helping the economy? Did you know that we are all immigrants at some point? Did you know that we have a Fourteenth Amendment that is under attack? What do you know and what do you want?

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