Friday, July 13, 2018


     Basically away from news most of the day yesterday, between flights and wait time and getting settled - and I strictly follow a rule I set for myself - no news on days of travel. It is aggravating enough to hear the excuses of the airlines as to why they are late, why one has to sit and wait for 45 minutes on the tarmac till a gate opens - even when a pilot flying to his job told us that one was open, more than one, but it is a great big bother to move luggage carts, etc. Humph! Lies again! And don't you just love the airlines always claiming they put the customer first!
     Anyway, I did not miss a thing. Yes, there was the awful Strzok hearing, wherein a man tried to hold to his responsibilities and got yelled at and threatened for it with obnoxious behavior ruling the day. We had the chief obnoxious person over there in England, who calls the Queen a "tremendous woman" - quite undignified - to say the least - and then proceeds to undercut May in her own country when  he tells how she ignored his 'advice' about Brexit. Yes, the man who has shafted the American economy with his tariffs, has now become the self appointed economic guru! Lord save us!
     The White House is playing fast and loose with intelligence - probably because they do not understand the word intelligent - and now Trump realizes that maybe the Britons are not as fond of him as he said yesterday. Ya think! Blimps away!!
     We  have a crude man who harasses a woman with a permit for a party at the park, wearing a Puerto Rican color shirt and the cop nearby does nada!!!The young woman held her own politely and finally a female cop came along and did her job. And in the meanwhile, elsewhere in our newly prejudiced and partisan country and law enforcement field, we had the staged and false arrest of Storm Daniels and why? Duh!! The cops who arrested her were known Trump advocates and supporters and is this for real? Partisan police enforcement or false arrests for the publicity and then voided after the harm was done?
     Then again we have the somewhat lacking in intelligence and human civility Republicans who claim to have been 'tricked' into appearing on a show? Were they led by the hand? Were they forced on at gunpoint? How is one tricked onto a show, unless it is one of those shows that reunites family members!
     We seem to be in a cycle wherein we open our mouths, spew out garbage and foul language and think this passes for wisdom. We have a demented man who tends to his ever changing hairstyle and color rather than to politics and policies. We have threats. We make war on babies and on the helpless, the weak. We turn on our principles. We find that we have people within our country who are willing and quite able at doing these nasty jobs, thinking it quite the done thing to threaten little kids with guns, with never seeing parents again, with placing all and sundry in freezing cages. Yes, folks, it can happen here. Evidently the raw materials are in full supply.  We have indeed learned well from the dictators of the world. 
     Is this for real? Unfortunately, yes. Can we 'unreal' it? Yes, with a great deal of hard work, with deep self examinations into our hearts and souls and what makes us tick, and with returning all these semi dictator wannabees and their sadly and dangerously incompetent leader to the garbage heap of history. Make it  a momentary aberration of the American body politic, corrected by impeachment, conviction, criminal charges, recalls and lost elections. It can be done, but will it? What will be our reality of the present and future? Our choice, folks, at least for now. The opportunity for making a difference is narrowing, quickly, so time to make a choice. 

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