Thursday, July 12, 2018


     So the big stern government is keeping children hostage again. Some they have lost. Terrific. Some they have decided cannot be returned to parents because it has been decided that the parent is a criminal. Really? If not in jail, and  not abusive, any parent has a right to his/her child. And how did some of these people get in jail so their children are denied to them! And since when are the 'older, more mature' kids of 6+ of no concern as evidently they do not miss their parents!!!!!!
     Waiting for luggage this morning, I observed what appeared to be an Indian family with a boy about 7 and a tiny little thing of a girl, teetering and tottering like a  little toy top, just learning to walk. Each time her little adventure ended at a parent's leg. And this is what was taken away? What nerve! And being told that the children would be up for adoption? What the hell is the matter with these people and someone needs to show cause why they should not be fired immediately.
     This criminal behavior, these cruel beyond the pale actions and the continuation as still close to 3,000 kids are still separated, held in abominable situations.  is awful and shameful. And guess who reaps the benefit of this program? Why no less than the buddies of Trump. Just as bad is the behavior of Kushner as he rides around in Air Force One and makes deals with companies who have vested interests in administration doings.
     The filth of this administration, its immorality, its high handedness is almost too much to live with. Shouting in hearings, demanding that an FBI employee answer questions he was told he cannot and then threatening him. Trump machinations to get a new Justice who believes that the President is above the law. Hmmm, why would Trump want that?! Take   a guess.
     We are told the tariffs will protect us - but are not told that when current supplies run out by autumn, watch out America as the prices rise, just as gasoline prices are climbing. Watch as farmers who voted for Trump see their crops rot with no customers. Watch the price of produce rise because there are no pickers.
     Our allies are enraged by this man as he insults them, rips apart the alliances made to keep the world safe. He is going to ask Putin about the interference accusations in 2016 but then gives him an excuse to say no. Britons are planning to fly a huge insulting baby blimp of Trump and the man is oblivious, claiming the Britons love him.
     And notice that there is dead silence from  him or his dastardly crew when it became known that the little kid who is stateless, who knows so many languages, who is brilliant, was the one to speak and interpret and get the show on the road for the rescues. Here, under Trump, he would have been arrested, thrown out, discarded, trashed. And that is what America is throwing away when it refuses immigrants. And the crimes against humanity when it turns away - automatically - threats of gang killings and domestic abuse as reasons for asylum - well what else will be coming down the track. Will women have to register their pregnancy, kept under watch, perhaps fitted with ankle bracelets lest they plan an abortion?
     Look around and decide who is the criminal here? Look around and ask yourself and your neighbor how one could live with this man as head of government, above the law, demented and enraged by any opposition.
     More and more   people are saying, "Not my President".Perhaps we need to listen better.

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