Friday, July 20, 2018


     I do not know whether to laugh or cry or do both at the same time. Personally, this has been a tough week for me, what with trouble sleeping and defensive walls thin. When one is so tired, extraordinarily tired, it is hard to beat off the thoughts of a future which is not what one dreamed about. And when one adds to that, the deterioration of a country, the loss of pride in being American, or, in fact, the shame of it right now, then things are tough, harder to handle.
     When I received the call to type in 'google idiot', the caller was laughing. I figured what I would see and it was even bigger than my expectations. Lots of interpretations via pictures of 'idiot' with Trump's picture to illustrate. So yes, I laughed, and so did many others, but how sad is it, that this is how a majority of the world, the thinking world, think of the American President. How sad it is that this is what it has all come to.
     It is also contrary to the seriousness of this issue. Yes, we all laugh at his moronic behavior, his pathetic attempts to walk back his truly bad statements, his obnoxious and even dangerous behavior, when he conducts business in secret and who the hell knows what he has given away to Putin and other dictators. Perhaps another business deal for him a la the deals for Ivanka from China. This is not the way to run a household - let alone the way to run a country!!
     So yes, idiot he is, but a dangerous one at that. He talks of a second term and I have serious doubts whether we can even survive a full first term with him and the spineless Republicans. The only way out is to impeach, convict, imprison, and vote out the Republicans up for election in November. These spineless critters could not even agree on any bill defying Trump and his treasonous behavior with Putin and here this same idiot is planning yet another one in the fall! What for? The better to arrange for comfortable interference by the Russian yet again? Two weeks into his term Trump was shown incontrovertible proof about Russian interference and now a year and a half later he is still bumbling around and Pompeo has to say that  Trump 'understands' about the meddling?!
     So let's look at the new accusation, that all who oppose Trump have something called Trump Derangement Syndrome. That whatever Trump does sets these people off into a dizzy spin. Well, yes, and no. This man is so awful, so anti the American values he is supposed to represent and protect, that he leaves all left behind in his wake to the point of crazed anger and despair. Having children who do even walk yet, let alone speak or think at a defense level, come into immigration court and many without a lawyer?! What the hell is that? Inciting hatred, allowing prejudice to raise its ugly head, to cause people to think and talk of revolution, here, again, in our country.
    I believe that this term, Trump Derangement Syndrome rather reflects more on the deranged man for whom the term is named, the man who has caused this chasm within our country and indeed, even within the world.
     So who is deranged? Look in the mirror and check again. Who goes rabid about people protesting at the crosscurrents between the anthem and the reality? Who goes rabid and accuses the free press of being the enemy of the people!! That in itself is sheer treason. So who is the idiot? Type it in. And who is deranged, and yes, drives most sane people crazy with his ill thought and conceived deeds? You got it in one!!
     Am hoping that next week is a better one and that all does not conspire to make all things worse.

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