Thursday, July 19, 2018


     Folks, we are in a tunnel and I cannot see the light at its other end. We are in such a mess that I almost doubt the certainty of emerging whole after our journey through it. The Thai boys in the cave had very brave people, divers, volunteers, fighting to find and rescue them, but we, here in America, ain't no one there.
     Nor, I think, do we deserve a hand out of this tunnel either. We have allowed ourselves to be drawn further and further in, electing the creep, then allowing him to display his arrogance, his incompetence, his mentally degenerative and constantly degenerating condition, to allow him to simply ride out the accusations and proof of his disgusting sexual proclivities, his support of creeps like Jim Jordan who is accused of allowing sexual abuse to go on when he was a coach at a university. We have allowed this man who cannot make up his mind about the time of day, who cannot write, speak, nor even, apparently, think, to run the country, replete with hateful memes, hurtful and harmful edicts, smashing regulations of safety, of concern for a viable future, and worst of all - I, and many others, believe that the man is a traitor, has committed treasonous deeds, spoken treasonous words. His pathetic attempts to walk these words and sentences back are pathetic in the extreme and simply increase our danger.
     There was a joke going around yesterday that perhaps we all need to take Russian language courses - RSL - Russian as a second language - but is it truly funny, or is it symptomatic of a most unusual and frightening situation. He rants against the free press, demeans and targets those with whom he disagrees, throws tantrums worthy of a two year old, debases his country - our country - in international arenas and supports Putin, a most cruel and creepy creature, over the words and thoughts and proofs of his own intelligence apparatus. This, from the man supposed to be protecting the very country he is destroying. 
     From the very start he received proof of collusion, of interference by the Russians into our elections and yes, that is a plural word, and he has then been on a seesaw ride, saying yes, then denying yes again, denying it again denying his very acceptance or that he even said that, and when people wonder why he is this way - give him a brain scan and  see the reason. If this were any other person he would have been taken to a neurologist and given a diagnosis of some mentally degenerative condition and told to get his affairs in order! But no, we allow him to remain a president - not my president! - and keep us on a road to perdition.
     So oh, yes, there was collusion and despite the fact that he cannot spell it correctly nor get its facts in order in his very disordered mind, the facts remain and the truth remains the truth. The light that we are not seeing? Well, I am hoping that some of us are prepared survivalists and have matches and flashlights with them, for we will need lots of light to get out unharmed from this tunnel in a timely and safe manner.
     Can it be done? With the idea now being bandied about that we will allow Russian investigators to come here and "help", in the interrogation of some people they do not like, dear Lord in Heaven. What are we doing? What are we allowing? Why and when have all the Republicans turned into such morally and valueless spineless creatures? When have they made that decision to sell their country down the river so they can remain in a position of power? Little do they understand that by doing or not doing, they are pushing the envelope almost beyond repair, creating landslides and crashes and collapses within that tunnel. One day, there will be unraveling of the knots of history of these times and the question that will be first and foremost is - why did the people, the body politic and the country itself, allow this mentally and morally deranged and most emphatically unqualified and harmful man to remain in office or in fact, why did he even get there? Instead of the big fat tome on the rise and fall of the Roman Empire, it will be a big fat tome on the rise and fall of the American Age and how it could have been avoided.
     Shame on us!!!!

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