Wednesday, July 18, 2018


     Putin's poodle. Lovely name for a President of the United States of America. We can just take so much pride in this, can we not? But who exactly are the rest of the poodles and zombies and fools?
     Look around you and think. Who is still supporting Trump? Who is still making excuses for him, even going so far as to say this is a secret way to triumph over the Russians. Uh huh. A secret plan by a functional idiot who cannot speak his own language and then uses his known incompetence to excuse himself. But there is a problem, - and by the way, collusion is how it is spelled. Two 'l's there. Who are the people, you know, those NRA people who pronounce themselves as patriots of the highest order who now found that they were, prosaically speaking, in bed with a Russian agent.
     Zombies, one and all, as they merely follow along, lurching in a drunken manner, after their leader, growling his thoughts and tweets, trying to eat up all foes such as NATO and EU and anyone else who is not a strongman or dictator in ruling style. It is these fools who claim they were fooled by Cohen, the comic, into making statements such as the belief that a 3 year old should be allowed to bear arms and have training in the use of weapons. Uh huh. How can you be fooled into that or any number of moronic statements made in interviews with Sacha Baron Cohen. It sounds like the kid who gives the excuse to the teacher that so and so made me laugh, or made me do it. Nope. Does not work. Nor does trying to claim stupidity work for not knowing how to speak and to try to use incorrect grammar as an excuse. Puh-lease!
     Why are people so willing to overlook and excuse his behavior and harmful actions? Because people do not want to admit that they were fooled by this hoax of a president, that they were taken in by this greedy man of no morals and no values other than to enrich himself and 'make deals' harmful to the country but financially beneficial to his bottom line. The government, for example, just paid his Turnberry Scotland resort over $77,000 for his visit there. What nerve!
     This zombie fool poodle trend is growing all over the world as people forget the virtues of democracy, forget that it takes a whole lot of hard work and responsibility to keep it going, to overcome hatred and prejudice, to pass on the need for war and more and more armaments. But if people are willing to go along with anything a 'leader' says, then what can we do about it? How can we stop harmful practices and programs from being put in place? For example, almost every report by the CAM here reports on yet another breakage or serious error by Atlantic Broadband or their representatives, we find that better deals were made in other developments, and yet David Israel et al go around looking as if they were miracle workers in this deal even as we are going to pay the price. And why? Because there are too many zombie poodles around who walk lockstep with their 'leader'.
     Democracy needs people to step up to the plate, to act, to demand answers, to even ask the questions. We need to reform our voting system, to do away with the electoral system in the first place, use majority voting, in which case we would not have this travesty of a President in office right now, and use the one resident owner one vote rule here in Century Village, though David will never go along with it, no matter what he says, because he would lose his only way to maintain his pathetic perceived power.
     Is there hope left? Yes, I think so, for there are more and more, emboldened to say the words, to tell the truth, to call out the naked emperor. But we need more and we need to get rid of those wimpy Republicans afraid of their own shadow who cannot seem to muster up enough brains and balls to do the right thing! We need the weak Democrats to stop worrying about their paycheck and grasp of power, however pathetic or wrong, and do the right thing, serve the people, not Trump and not themselves.
     Poodles of the world unite. Zombies of the world unite. See your master as he truly is. And fools, please go to that mythical city of Chelm where the residents were all fools, yet fooled and taken in by their own warped 'brilliance'. Oy vey, as the saying goes. Oy vey for all of us unless and until we know the truth, speak the truth and are honest with ourselves.

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