Tuesday, July 17, 2018


        Sorry for the delay, folks, but I was traveling once again and how lucky was that! If I had written immediately after reading the paper and last nite's news, I would have written words that could have got me into deep trouble!
     What do we have here? We have our second major Benedict Arnold, a traitor for the purpose of self aggrandizement, for pride, for egotism, and the difference? Arnold was a smart guy but Trump? The image of the toddler in the diaper and the runaway coward says it all.
     It is not only me anymore shouting to all and sundry that this man, this Trump, is not only a consummate liar, but also and always, a traitor to our country, to its people, to its government and principles. Columnist after columnist, newscaster after newscaster, be it TV or online,are finally calling it as it truly is. This man, who ostensibly swore to protect the Constitution, has shot it in its back. He has made verbal love to Putin whose deepest desire and deepest planning revolve around the takedown of America or the subsuming of it into Russian rule. He has gone to a foreign country, held a long and private meeting with Putin and then came out and sold America down the river. Putin says and he believes. Putin says and he trashes our intelligence services. Putin says and he jumps. Even Republicans, at least those that still have a loyal and  courageous and somewhat principled backbone have spoken out and against Trump's mouth and what came out of it, officers of the government have called for his impeachment - and I wish it had happened already - and he goes on and on, calling the EU our foe while praising Russia, thinks it would be wonderful to allow Russian intelligence officers into the USA and allow them to function - and remember what I said about subsuming us!
     At least Chris Wallace put the hard questions to Putin in his interview though Putin dodged around quite a bit. But as far as Trump goes, there is no Crimea or Ukraine problem, no persecution of opponents in his country, no campaign against free speech, no business in Syria, no nothing!
     So why is Trump like this? That I think is the clue to his behavior. The man has a shriveled and stone cold heart, a blackened soul and a one track mind - how to satisfy his own desires, as perverted as they are, as selfish as they are. All actions are judged accordingly and the Presidency is serving as a great conduit for him to enrich himself on our backs and those of the world, to express his vile racial and misogynistic statements, to make war on  children he deems insects, them and their parents, and finds nothing wrong with cheating and lying all the day long, and then denying his very same lies. He loves to pal with dictators and strongmen as they also have no compunction at all.
     As for the question of what Putin has on him? Is he a Manchurian candidate? Is there a pee tape?I believe there is something to insure his cooperation, but I do not even think he needs that threat to motivate him. He feels no shame in his behavior and I swear, the Republicans are so far up his butt that peeing on women would be the next done thing!
    Folks, I am tired of this man, his shenanigans, his treason, his selfishness, his miserable aides, his clothes hanger wife and his selfish children. I am tired of being represented to the world by this man the antithesis of America. Impeach. Recall. Arrest and charge for treason, for theft of money from charity funds, from whatever - but get him gone before there is no way for us to turn back his miserable and poisonous tide.

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