Tuesday, July 3, 2018


    It has been said that it takes a village to raise a child, but what does it take to generate the village sheep? At what point is it that people lose their route to independent thinking? When does it seem to people that ovine behavior is the way to go. It is easier not to think for oneself, easier to let others make the decisions and so much easier in life to go along and hey, even appear to have a piece of the rock, though really, one is just the weeds growing on the rock, that deadly piece weighing down on the soul of the village.
    This Village certainly has no lack of sheep people. At a meeting yesterday it was even more apparent than ever as in almost perfect lock step manner the sheep people voted as their shepherd, shall we say, wished them to vote. He had negative things to say about all that would seem to limit his over all dictatorial control of the Village administration, and they fell right in line. The chair of this particular committee, a seemingly intelligent woman who has been caught up in the sheep herd , tried to build some suspense as she withheld prior votes of the proposed amendments. Wow! As David said, in his oh so particularly nasty manner and inappropriate times "quel surprise" as we found out that two, not one, but two committees had voted unanimously against them. Wow! Such a shock to hear that, right?
    But wait. Hold your surprise. Both these committees are composed of almost the exact same roster, the same old retreads, the same old faces, the same sheep, the same sheep officers, and the same sheep people. Not feeling well at all that day, I just decided to leave before I threw up, never truly having developed a taste for lamb!
     There is no hope for this Village unless this dude is retired. Once again we are at the point where we have been before. We retain some sheep way past their sell by date, too ill to truly function and do their jobs We had Bob Marshall, we now have Joy Vestal and even David Israel who seemingly has developed all sorts of ailments lately, the latest excuse being an attack of sciatica which supposedly laid him down low. Could be, but he has been absent from his office quite a bit these past few months. Retirement time? Out to pasture with the rest of the sheep who can go right with him? 
     The sheeplike behavior of humans is a dangerous thing. We have a Village that has gone out of control in quite a number of areas and it appears to be too much for the sheepman in charge and his little sheep followers. They are reactive rather than proactive and as a result come from way behind as they try to deal with serious issues. In any case, they see, to be more focused on maintaining and even strengthening the control of the Village by a dictator as they spend time and time and time and time on new bylaws, yet still are not done, and ignore the waterways, the messes in the Village, the crumbling and patchwork roads, the lack of proper sidewalks where they can be, the new Airbnb problem, the loss of comradery of the Village. No work on the post Millennium agreement as the time  for that is racing up to meet us. Wonder what these sheep and their leader will give away this time? Time for the sheep to move pasture, out of here, out of UCO or, quite frankly, we will reach the point of no return.
     And lest one think that the sheep here are unique, think again. We seem to be growing large herds of sheep here in the country and even in the world as there are growing numbers of people who cannot take the stress and tension of determining one's own life, and they have ceded control to strongmen, bad for all, and that means here as well. The Republicans talk a lot, say that they will not vote for something and then guess what? They do. Another quel surprise? Sheep, or should we say toads?
     We now find out that Melania has been getting paid for her photos and has extracted a promise that only 'positive' photos would be used. Oh, yich!! So much for poor Melania, the apparent golddigger, the apparent recipient of favorable treatment from Immigration, as did her parents. Melania, the one who tries to stay above the fray? Forget about it. She is right there, is she not?
     We now find out that Pruitt, so dirty that he will never be able to cleanse himself, has sheep working for him, covering up wrong conversations and appointments as he sells this country down the river to industries who are full of glee as they plan their runs over the pastures of the sheep. Why this man is still in office? Check the sheep of the Congress.
     Lies and  more lies and denial to your face that statements were made. Lies about how many kids are still being held, even as parents are deported without their kids. What? Is Trump planning to train these 'leftovers' to maintain and fill the grounds and jobs of his hotels? Why are we all sheep and not demanding that this man and his crooked followers be thrown out of office and into jail for those who belong there? Kidnapping. Rape of the country. Encouragement of bias, of racism, of gun violence. Why are we all such sheep?
     Sheep of the world unite! Throw out your supposed shepherds, who are actually leading you right to the slaughterhouse. Find different Pied Pipers to follow or better yet, develop a brain and independent thinking and throw off the sheep clothing and behavior.
     BAA, BAA! Time to speak as humans rather than as sheep. The time has come. BAA,BAA!

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