Monday, July 2, 2018


     It has been said that the definition of insanity is to repeat an action numerous times, get the same results but expect a different one. Well, folks, welcome to the world of the insane, of the bizarre, of the cannot be but is. But - there is yet hope that we can turn the corner, though it will take a great deal of willpower, work power, stamina and hope.
     It is insane that we have a President who is functionally illiterate, unable to read and comprehend more than a paragraph at a sitting. 
     It is insane that he writes as an uneducated person.
     It is insane that he governs through tweets, nasty for the most part, and rants.
     It is insane that he has dispensed with briefing reports, preferring - or perhaps only capable - of governing by the seat of his pants.
     It is insane that we have as a president of the country a man who is racist, misogynistic, deranged, immoral and just downright nasty.
     It is insanity that we hear a man tell lie after lie and yet allow him to go forward and lose the one lie in a blizzard of new ones.
      North Korea has agreed to denuclearize - uh, no they have not and in fact are rebuilding and  adding to missile sites.
     North Korea has already returned the bodies or remains of 200 of our brave soldiers. Uh, no they have not - not a single one
     No one from the Trump campaign has had relations with Russian characters. Uh, scotch that statement as more and more of these relationships are being exposed.
     No collusion? Really?
     It is insane that a man who wages war on women, on the poor, on immigrants, on children remains in office. His behavior alone warrants his removal.
     It is insane that we have a legislature that is acquiescing in its own demise, turning into a rubber stamp annex to the White House. 
     It is insane that we allow a man to govern by dictat, by fiat, by so called executive orders and most of them propose to give him more and more power.
     It is insane that our ostensible President hangs with his own version of a gang - the gang of dictators and tyrants. His personal adult version of MS-13.
     It is insane that we have allowed this man and his minions to further and further isolate America from the rest of the world, and now he wants to withdraw from the World Trade Organization!!!
     It is insane that we watch as the economy begins to track downward, with companies now having to close due to lack of materials at a reasonable cost, as thousands stand to lose jobs, as the global economy takes a hit - but we will be left out of the recovery.
     It is insane that we allow this to continue.
     It is insane that we allow a degenerate to remain in office, refusing to follow rules and traditions such as releasing tax returns, taking real physicals to determine the health of our supposed leader, who refuses to divest of his investments and businesses and worse, profits from them and there are rules against that!!
     It is insane that we allow a police state to grow ever larger in our future - or present - as the man uses the law enforcement entities to chase after his foes, even sending Secret Service to interrogate a comic who prank called the President and actually had a conversation with him! But the Secret Service!!!! What the hell!
     It is insane that we allow the crooks to ride the economy, to rule the country, and let crooks and murderers escape justice and why? Because we are too busy pulling contributing people off their front lawns, out of their places of business, pulling scams on them to 'get' them and orphaning American children. It is more than insane. It is an affront to humanity.
     It is insane that we now have a split country, one side increasingly hateful, riddled by prejudice and bias, supportive of extremists of the White Supremacy movement, blind to the offense against nature that this man Trump is, and the other side, a side more and more composed of those who will FIGHT for our country, for fair play, for sanity, for the return of our safety social net, for the return to sane tax laws and revenue raising, for the return and reinstatement of safety rules and regulations governing our water, air, land, national parks, environment and economy. Even the big dudes are seeing that beware what one wishes for - they wished for a man like this and got it - and now they are going to regret these wishes as their businesses begins to crumble.
     It is insane that we allow this to continue. Insane to the nth degree. It is insane that a school which is supposed to be progressive has been segregating students according to race!!! And think that they can get away with this educational misnomer and action. And why not, if the president is an open racist. If one does not shiver at that, then one is an idiot and will just have to wait a tad until the hatred reaches him and his.
     It is insane that we allow the continued destruction of the middle class, of the striving lower class, and the accompanying loss of a vibrant economy that depended on these classes.
     It is insane that I, and so many others, are no longer proud to be an American, no longer proud to sing our songs out loud and certainly denying and defying that man who is masquerading as a President, a man with no legitimacy to his claim.
     It is insanity. When will we return to sanity? Perhaps when the new representatives get there and women and the young and the fresh and the determined get to work. Get out there and work for change. Get out there and speak up. Get out there and donate. Get out there and  vote! Thus will we bring about the return of sanity and the denial of insanity. It is insane to do or contemplate otherwise.

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