Monday, October 29, 2018


         Evidently mankind has learned nothing from its tragedies. All the old canards seem to survive, even if they go underground for a while but then boom! Here they are again. To use the words of a thug who is part and parcel of the mess, "How sad, so sad. So bigly sad."
     When the ugly truth rears its head, those associated with that ugliness look for ways to shut down truthful discussion, meaningful discourse. They turn to the tried and true canards of the past and here we go again. Whom to blame for the massacre of Saturday? Well, that is simple. Blame the victims of course. They evidently picked the wrong progenitors. They should have locked the door. They should have had armed guards at every door of the synagogue. They should have had their own guns there, all the better to shoot. And of course, back to the top - they should not have been born Jews, or practiced their faith, and the guilt for this whole thing rests upon their shoulders. So there!!
     Think this is not so? Well, just read the lips of the Demented One, the one whose mouthing off sets the blackened hearts and souls of so many miserable beings afire. Whose hurtful and harmful musings and tweets encourage the worst in the worst people.
     Oh, when prodded enough he uses some of the right words for a few seconds but his inner nastiness and yes, evil, cannot remain quiescent for long. So yes, he first condemns the anti Semitism after being urged to speak up and then he begins his almost immediate descent into his usual nastiness. They should have had a guard there. Their fault. Obviously! Not to worry, he spoke to Jared and Ivanka so problem solved. Of course! And then again, time to get the jollies on the road again, so back to his nasty rallies, on the same day! Back to his sick jokes about "toning down" or bad hair days. And oh, yeah! There ya' go! Use that same disgusting tone and language and get right out there again with the words of hate, the words that encourage others to kill.
     So Steyer, a victim of the bombs, you know, the "hoax" perpetrated by the Democrats to stop the red wave - so help me, G-d, they believe this despite all proof to the contrary, is now called a "crazed and stumbling lunatic" in one of the Demented One's tweets. But then, enough already with this, as the more important things arise - such as tweets about the World Series. Yeah, so a bunch of Jews are dead, yeah, so what. It has happened before and it is their fault. So how can we blame this Demented One from falling into his usual ruts, his oh so harmful ruts.
     So a woman of 97 is killed, gruesomely. She should have stayed home instead of assuming that she would have been safe here in this country. And as for that horrific caravan? Oh yeah. There must be a criminal or two in the mess of people so let's tar the rest of them. Dehumanization and generalizations have worked so well before in the battle between good and evil so let's use them again. And these poor people frighten us so that we are violating the Constitution and sending armed standing army troops to the border. That will do it! Just shoot them down as they dare to ask for asylum, as they dare to hope for a better life and for sure, this big country of ours has so much to fear from this group of people who are still 1,000 miles away at an average of 20-30 miles a day, who come mainly as women and children, and wow! so dangerous! O, let's just have the troops and let the fates have the day.
     There is no stopping the hate once it starts, Yes, there are hopes that have come out from this awful massacre. There was an interfaith vigil. There are spontaneous vigils nationwide and planned ones. There are two Muslim groups in Pittsburgh who are raising money for the victims' families. And some Jewish leaders have told Trump he is not welcome here unless and until he vigorously denounces white nationalism. I would go further and demand that he stop using the term "globalist" an old word used to describe Jews and their oh so dastardly and obvious - at least in the minds of the demented - and their plot to rule the world!
     And yet and still, we have those who will continue to support this man and his evil mouthings, his nastiness, his cruelty, his vulgarity, his uncultured soul. I do not know anymore how to even speak with them. They think if they mention one person who is not perfect that this demeans the whole opposition to Trump. Not so. So yes, I do not approve of Sarsour, but then again, she is one woman in a huge outpouring of women so grow up already. And by the way, name me one good person, one honest and brave person, one with a spine, in the Trump campaign. Nary a one!
     Do I sound angry? Do I sound worried? Do I sound confused and concerned, fearing for the future? All this and more. The old canards of hatred are frightening, especially to one who is steeped in the history of her people. Especially to anyone with a thinking brain and a working heart and a clean soul. I despair for us and I despair for the world.
     There was a tweet I read yesterday which basically, simply, told us of all the places we cannot go - the synagogue, the church, the mosque, the schools, the supermarkets, etc. so where to go - the ballot box! Hear that! Heed that. Do not let the darkness of hatred overcome the world once more. Open your eyes and hearts and minds. Look at the pictures of the starving kids in Yemen and I do not care  what their parents did or how they hate Israel. These kids did nothing. Feed them! Yesterday I attended a wonderful and intense lecture about children in the Holocaust and one picture will remain in my mind and haunt me to my dying day. It was a Mengele special, taking two twins and sewing them together midsection, horizontally, breaking their legs so they are straight out to the sides, creating his own Siamese twins. Yes, imagine that - and imagine those poor kids whose original sin was being born Jewish!!!!
     Words of hate lead to deeds of hate. Deeds of hate lead to physical harm and harm to the culture of mankind, the burning of books. And those burnings lead to the burnings of mankind. We have seen it happen and we know it can still happen again - and yes, right here in the good old USA. Especially with those of the Demented One's ilk in power.
     Ballot box - and make sure that the correct choices are there when you submit. There already have been cases where the name was switched, as in Texas with Cruz and O' Rourke. And guess who was the beneficiary? Do not allow yourself or others to be denied your right to vote. Be firm. VOTE!!!! Use that ballot box as our battering ram to return our country to AMERICA as it should be. Please.

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