Tuesday, October 30, 2018


     This floored me. Unhappy I am about Trump going to Pittsburgh today, how inappropriate it is, what with the victims of a massacre aimed at Jews still unburied, and this man, this demented man, this hatemonger, this grabber of the mob's attention, this rabble rouser, this so inept and dangerous man thinks that he should come here! For what? To grab attention? To wear his dumb and dangerous red hat and "tone" things up or down? Has he no shame, no guilt, no understanding of what he has done and continues to do?
     Yesterday, an Israeli delegation came to share in the mourning of the Pittsburgh community, to share in the grief, in the concern, and yes, in the fear. One mourner, one survivor, stated in an interview how his cousins had died in the camps, how his parents survived and yet, now, he is almost glad that they are dead for "the Nazis are here again", here, in the country where it was supposed to be finally safe.
     But Trump was too busy on Saturday to even try to assimilate an understanding of what he has done, what he has instigated and encouraged. At a rally in Indiana he played the song "Happy"! Pharrell Williams sent him a cease and desist letter, but where the hell is this man's understanding, his humanity, and the only answer is that it is not here at all, anywhere!
     Nor is it anywhere in the members of his campaign or in the understanding, it seems, of any Republican. A possibly Jewish candidate for office in a suburb of Detroit with Pence, that dangerous born again person whose life is determined by his wife's okays or not, this woman had a "rabbi" there to give a prayer for those attending, who invoked the slaughtered but one hangup. This was a "rabbi" from Jews for Jesus, an organization that is anathema to the Jewish community, that stinks of the centuries of forced conversions of Jews, a "rabbi" so inappropriate to the event that it takes one's breath away. And no, this has nothing to do with freedom to practice one's religion. He can adore Jesus all he wants, that is his right and why not, if that is what he believes, but do not invoke his name in an address concerning those who were slaughtered once more for the simple fact of being Jews in a synagogue, on Shabbat, practicing their religion. And make no mistake about it. Jews for Jesus are not Jewish other than by blood inheritance from parents, if so. And if so, they would be thrown into the ovens just as all other Jews were, simply because they were Jews. But in the meanwhile - no, completely inappropriate and unfeeling and definitely a lack of understanding and empathy.
      This man, this Demented One, and his Party are dangerous. They care not for anyone other than themselves and their offices of power, the offices that allow them to run the country down, to forget their responsibilities to the people of the country, the offices that allow them to use taxpayer money for their own purposes and why not, as they follow their leader down the road to perdition - one hopes!
     Do I sound angry? Do I sound despairing? Do I sound disillusioned and perhaps even hopeless? Well, how else can any feeling and thinking being be, even as we mourn the victims of hate, even at the same time as that One is screaming about caravans, planning on sending thousands, yes, thousands, of soldiers down to the border and all I can see in my mind and all many can see, are the pictures of Nazi soldiers shooting the mother holding her child or the father shielding his young son, or the grandparents holding on to each other. Dangerous people, these Jews, and oh so dangerous are the same equivalents in the caravan moving ever so slowly towards this same border. And we, here as Americans, are also approaching a border. A border of right, of love, of humanity, of decency, of all that is right with the world, with our country versus the other side of the border - all that has gone wrong with our country and indeed, with the world. The stench of hatred once more permeates the very air we breathe and the ranting and raving of a would be Hitler, and  make no mistake about that - and the choice is up to us. Do we stop this in its tracks right now, stand up to the hatred, to this man and his followers, those "fine" people, or do we gather ourselves, gird our loins as the Bible tells us, and combat evil, see the truth and admit where we went wrong?
     Do we have the chutzpah to take this on or do we allow the gall of the others - using their own word on them - do we allow that to take over our life, our lives?
     Time is running out. Decency is at its lowest point. Humanity is shrinking in its humane efforts but there is still hope even as the interfaith vigils are jammed with mourners, even as Muslims raise money for the families of the victims, even as people see and know and do the right thing. So now - where are the rest of you?
    And you know what to do - VOTE!!!!!!!

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