Monday, January 21, 2019


     Donald Rumsfeld, the Secretary of State at the time, spoke about the "known unknowns and the unknown unknowns" and was keelhauled for it, but think about it.How much do we not know about the whole Trump mess and how much do we not even know we do not know. How much more garbage has this man created and just how low did he go in his dealings and behavior during his Presidency and the run up to it? For sure, there are so many things we do not know we do not know yet and the burning question is what will happen when these unknowns become knowns or at least revealed to us as something we had better find out more about? Confusing, yes, but in relationship to the confusions and chaos of this administration - not at all!
     Yet another former Trumper writes of the 'chaos' of the White House. More information is revealed about the awful language and the disgusting insults the man uses. More information is revealed about Individual 1- Trump himself - and we continue to ask what we know and do not know and what do we not yet know what we still have to find? How much more dirt is there to this man and his accomplices. And make no mistake about it, they are accomplices, as much as any getaway car driver is complicit in the robbery or any one who aided and abetted a murderer in his godawful actions.
     The current theory of government is chaos, increasing chaos, increasing lies and more mulish behavior than we have seen in  a long time. And the lies! We evidently are "proving' that a smaller Federal government work force is what we need. Truly? What we have is slavery for all intents and purposes, even as the man calls more and more workers back from furlough to have them work for nothing - no pay and no clue as to when this will
 end. Yet the man calls them great American patriots!! Insults to injury. They simply want to do a day's work for a day's pay and be able to keep the roof over their heads and food on the table for their kids. Honorable and righteous.
     Those who go along with him are just as guilty of his crimes and misdemeanors and McConnell should be up there on the hot seat right along with his master, as he acts the dog to this man. Where has the honesty and pride in honor gone? Where has the morality gone? Where has the need to work together gone or at least the recognition that we need to do that. Instead we have public outings of hatred and bigotry and ridiculous threats and statements. We have the power of the original  Women's March diluted due to rampant anti Semitism and lies. Why? It seems that to work cooperatively, to shame all bigotry, is not in the picture. Perhaps a few sessions watching Sesame Street and Mr. Rogers might teach them a few things that our kids learned at two!
      And the hateful and dangerous drum of anti Semitism has sounded off more and more. A hateful op - ed piece in the Sunday Times took a walk down the new road. Proclaim one's support for the State  of Israel and then go to war on it. Repeat every one sided argument ever heard on the matter. Refuse to write of the issue from the Israeli's side. Recognize that this is the one state in the world that will not toss out Jews, will not discriminate against them. Remind them that these supposed horrible lives of the Arab citizens are not true. Look at the houses they build, the cars they drive, how they shop freely in all centers of commerce in the country, how the hospitals and pharmacies, stores and offices are filled with Arab citizens and no one makes a difference or cares.
     Why is it that the world plays dumb to the fact, the historical fact, that anti Semitism is used as a blind to all that is wrong and going on, that it is the prelude to hatred of other groups deemed weaker or less worthy of being called humans?Why? I cannot give an answer to that any more than I can give an answer to the question of why we allowed an ignorant, hateful and illiterate demented soul to take the White House from the people of this country.
     These knowns, known unknowns and unknown unknowns will take us down an ugly trail. We need to take a different path and close off that miserable trail for good. Slamming that Dammit doll can only do so much, relieve only so much anger. The man who says now that the Democrats asked for a see through steel wall - can that actually be - and yet who refuse security - again not so - this man has got to go. Choose any of a number of legal pathways towards that goal or we will face a battle for this, and I do not mean one in court! We laugh at this man, but he is dangerous. That is a known fact. Let us work to get him gone and soon and insure that Pence understands the temperature of the country and indeed, even the world.

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