Sunday, January 20, 2019


     I just do not understand. I do not get it. When did it become not only accepted, but approved to diss someone in the most nasty way possible? When did it become okay to endanger others, to make them feel endangered, to disregard the rules of society as we should have been taught about how to behave? When was it declared okay to threaten, to physically challenge, to beat up, to do just about anything negative one can do in dealing with another? Where did polite and beneficial discourse go?
     Last night we attended a super tribute show to Donna Summer done by her sister. Wow!!! It shined with love, with admiration, and with appreciation of Donna's talent and the challenges she faced and overcame during her life. Compare that to the six siblings of a candidate for office who begged others not to vote for him due to his racism and bigotry. Siblings all, drawn to do the right thing, but one would not lead to peace and harmony, though correct in their urgings.
     In a truly ironic and dangerous and significant event, Catholic school students who were at a rally anti choice, teenage boys in MAGA hats and one especially nasty kid who stood there with a smirk on his face right in the space of the Native American elder playing a traditional instrument and singing a song of peace. Huh!!! Is this what our  religious schools are teaching us? Where was the protest from church officials? Why did these kids think this was okay? It is this behavior which puzzles me about the extremists in this movement. Protect a fetus against the needs of the pregnant woman, kill a doctor who performs abortions when necessary and also dispenses health aid and advice not connected to abortion but to women's health - so where is the right to life here? Where?
     We have allowed the poison of hatred to go mainstream. It began with the racist objections to Obama. I could care less if one were opposed to him for that is an American right, but, a great big but, when did it become okay to challenge a person on his birth, on his supposed religion, on anything other than moral standards and political viewpoints? And this hatred continued with the stamp of approval of the President of the United States who himself was, or rather is, a pervert, a misogynist, a bigot, an incompetent and a person well on the way to total dementia. When did it become okay to run a government based on fear and intimidation? When?
     The man creates a humanitarian crisis on the border and then demands blackmail funds to fix what he created and caused? His minions and accomplices go along with him and pretend that they are reasonable people? Truly? Why would the Congress allow that additional $5.7 billion for the same old garbage - a temporary stay on DACA expulsions, on protected immigrants and then what, after three years they get tossed to the wolves, families rent asunder, and lives destroyed along with the moral fiber and basis of our country? Why would any sane person accept this and why would any sane person advance this as a compromise. It is the same old crap. Only a demented one would advance it along with frightened and immoral cowardly accomplices.
     Border agents are claiming they are only doing their jobs and following orders. Anyone get the chills on that one? Anyone get the chills when bigots and racists grab control of a women's movement and use it to push their hateful and awful anti Semitism, approving of the godawful statements of Farrakhan? When two women use their Palestinian and Moslem ties to push an anti Israel agenda in the Congress? When it took decades for the Republicans to accept the nastiness of Steve King but still, no censure, no shutting him out of his position and why not? Why not? What are they waiting for?
     Perhaps they wish to join those boys intimidating elders and ironically enough, chanting that hateful and racially driven chant of "Build that wall!" Against whom - these Native Americans were here first, you idiots!! Building a wall should and would have kept you out!!!!! You and the poison you were taught by people who should have known better, you who also came from immigrants and so where would you be now if they had not been allowed in?
     I just do not get it. When and why has it turned out to be okay with this nastiness? When did liars use fraud and lies to win office? Why do we allow an antiquated electoral system to have a lesser of the popular votes win office? And why are we allowing further acceptance and growth of this poison within our society?
     You know what? I am getting that Dammit doll and doing what makes me release a tad of steam.
Would that it was as easy as that. If only.....

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